Posted by Calypso's Lion Auctions

🌸 Briar (G2
Harlequin Khnum) (#199836)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-04-24 09:17:58

Hello and welcome to Calypso’s Lion Auctions!


✧ Please be nice to everyone in this thread
✧ Do not bid what you do not have
✧ Let me know if you cannot afford the bid you made anymore
✧ All names are clickable and will bring you to the lions page
✧ Toggle the spoiler to see their markings/base and information
✧ The one with the highest bid or auto-buys receives the lion
✧ When auto-buying you claim the lion as yours and will be sent ASAP


As payment I take currency and items!
I will use the following to ratio:
1 = 1200

I will also be accepting these Items:
Cotton Root Bark = 1
Instant Birth Feather = 2
Roasted Lamb = 2
Black Stallion = 3
Lab Test Frog = 2
Lion Meat = 7
Buffalo Scrotum = 16
Lion Scrotum = 23
Crunchy Worm = 36
Ochre Gnawrock = 50
GMO Cow = 50

For any other Items feel free to ask if I accept them!


These young ladies and lads are all searching for new prides to live to the fullest!
All of these beauties are Groupies from the May event!


I would really appreciate it if this thread was spread so we could get more interest!

Abyssinian Groupie

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Edited on 17/05/23 @ 19:50:24 by Valkyrae (G7 Crested Ankh) 🌟 (#199836)

🌸 Briar (G2
Harlequin Khnum) (#199836)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-09 11:25:00
Last cub for auction is the Clawless girl!

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🌸 Briar (G2
Harlequin Khnum) (#199836)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-09 12:25:12
If no interest in the last cub is brought up, this auction will temporarily close until my next CRB batch so stay tuned!

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