Posted by CLOSED 3Hybrids,DU,Lethal,&Dwarf!!

StarShine (#170786)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-04-26 12:07:39


Items on the regular item list get 4,000x value. (This includes: non mutated lions, decor)

Craftables get 2,000x value

Items on the bigger item list get 6,000x value. (This includes: mutated lions, custom decor. Read below as some apps are priced different)

Currency gets 8,000x value

Prizes: 6 winners!! 1 for everyone!!



4. Clean Dwarfie

5. Clean DU


1. Send all ticket entries with the message "For Hybrid Raffle" so that I can ensure your tickets are counted. And ensure that they are sent to #170786
2. Be polite and be patient.
3. All items listed and lions listed will be frozen on my side #225010 to keep them safe for you!
4. Please join under only one account to make everything fair.
5. No refunds!

Ticket Options:

50sb = 1,000 tickets
1gb = 10,000 tickets

REGULAR Items: (if no ticket value is listed, this will go based off current branch/TC prices)

- Vulture eggs - 50 tickets
- Lucky Foot - 200 tickets
- Food and Toy Bundles - 50 tickets
- Critter Bundle - 20 tickets
- Nesting Material - 50 tickets
- Broken Drone - 100 tickets
- Honeycomb - 400 tickets
- UAV search and Rescue - 100 tickets
- Skulls - any above 3 uses - 75 tickets each
- White Lion Pelt - 100 tickets

BIGGER Items: Please read bellow to see what bonus I have on these items!!!

- Apps - please read below for how apps are broken up
- Meat Pie
- MODs - will give you an extra 5,000,000 tickets
- Lion Scrotum - will give you an extra 1,000,000 tickets
- GMO Cow - will give you an extra 2,000,000 tickets
- Buffalo Scrotum - will give you an extra 1,000,000 tickets
- Grain of Paradise - will give you an extra 500,000 tickets
- Yohimbe Bark - will give you an extra 1,000,000 tickets
- Angelic Blessing- will give you an extra 1,000,000 tickets
- Lion Meat - 70,000 tickets
- Crunchy Worm - will give you an extra 5,000,000 tickets
- Ochre Gnawrock - will give you an extra 5,000,000 tickets
- Tigon - will give you an extra 5,000,000 tickets
- Leopon- will give you an extra 5,000,000 tickets
- Lethal- will give you an extra 5,000,000 tickets
- DUs- will give you an extra 3,000,000 tickets
- Dove Feast - 20,000 tickets
- Cotton Root Bark - 11,000 tickets
- Instant Cub Delivery - 21,000 tickets
- Pennyroyal - 11,000 tickets
- Energy Boost - 21,000 tickets
- Poses - 11,000 tickets
- Jolly Pose
- Black Stallion - 30,000 tickets
- Egg Yolks
- Giant Tortoise - see event boost for more info

Craftables that I will accept as tickets. They will all be 200 tickets each. Event specific craftables may have higher values!!!

Lions: Must be clean and meet one of the following...
- Must be a combo base, or rare/special base.
- Mutated
- Must show me a link before sending!! MALE SLOTS ( 0 / 2) accepting males right now!
- Hybrids, Lethals, DUs, and Dwarves DO NOT HAVE TO BE CLEAN, BUT IT IS PREFERED!!!
- I will accept hybrid heats too!!! Full or split litter!

I will take decor BUT please ask me if I will take it before sending. Must be full use as well.


I will accept groupies as ticket entries!!

- you MUST send me a link to her before sending to see if I can take her
- must be a rare/special base
- must be a mutie if it doesn’t have a rare/special base
- I may take a male groupie too just depends if I have space.

CURRENT Event Items Craftables: these will all have a 200xticket value on them for the whole month! As long as no other ticket events are running! They will be 400 tickets each as well.

- Lion Skull
- Lion Claw
- Lion Tooth
- Tail Tuff Hair
- Shiny Stones
- Kudu Horn
- Porcupine Quills
- Cheetah Skull

Event Shop Ticket Items: Comes with a boost (as long as no other ticket values are running)

- Lion Scrotum - I will accept them as ticket item for a 50gb value, and a 400x ticket value! (est. 2,000,000 tickets per 1)
- Giant Tort - I will accept them as ticket items for a 10gb value, and a 400x ticket value! (est. 400,000 tickets per 1)
- Red Bull - I will accept them as ticket item for a 20gb value, and a 400x ticket value! (est. 800,000 tickets per 1)

- GE, Feb. Apps, June Apps, July Apps, Sept. Apps, Oct. Apps, Nov. Apps, and Dec. Apps, will be 4,000x ticket value

- all other apps are just 3,000x ticket value!


Made By: Dino 💀 ( rins kitten😩 ) (#271167)

Made By:
Blue (#251249)

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Edited on 08/05/22 @ 12:43:48 by StarShine (#170786)

AnarchoPunx [G1 Ra
MR] (#154430)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-06 15:35:30
@Kit yeah but I’m from Germany and I live off gov assistance
Also I’m trying to live minimalistic because I don’t need much stuff anyways :D
I’m living in a lil apartment with my three cats, I need all the space & cash I can get :D

Also I basically wear the exact same clothes every day & only buy new ones if something broke irreparably soo why should I hoard stuff I’ll rarely wear?

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AnarchoPunx [G1 Ra
MR] (#154430)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 15:36:13
@kit hey don’t mention it, that’s the minimum everyone should be doing

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Kit 💕💕 | G1
Strat Clouded (#267849)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 15:44:02
@Anarcho Oh I feel that. I'm british, disabled and live off benefits. ^^' But atm I don't pay rent due to being technically homeless so any money I have is spent on food or extra bits I want/need... But that's fair, if you aren't going to wear it often, why should you pay out for it... So I guess don't try it? XD Idk what to say lmao

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AnarchoPunx [G1 Ra
MR] (#154430)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 15:50:44
@Kit feel ya, trying to never have to work in my whole life rn
So far I got arthrosis in my lumbar spine, congenital deformity of both knees (both kneecaps are a lil bit too far on the outside) and I can’t really use my right hand as well as I should be able to use it oh and autism too haha

But I’m basically fine except for the kinda regularly occurring back & knee pain as long as I don’t take walks longer than 5 kilometers and if I don’t lift too heavy stuff, I just value my free time more than money

Also yeah time will tell if I’ll buy it :‘D and if you can somehow make it to Germany sometimes feel free to come over and stay for a while^^ I’m always happy about visitors haha

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Kit 💕💕 | G1
Strat Clouded (#267849)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 15:56:58
@Anarcho Omg. I'm autistic too. Also severe anxiety and depression and a possible chronic illness, my doctor is trying to rule out other causes atm. I worked once, didn't work out well for my mental health. v.v I've not really been to Germany before. :P Unless you consider stopping at a German McDonald's on a road trip lmao. XD

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AnarchoPunx [G1 Ra
MR] (#154430)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:03:07
@Kit aww hell yeah, high five!
Also I got ADHD too and anxiety probably too, I’m just very experienced in bluffing :D
And yeah same, it was hell like no thank you I will not do that for 10€/hour :D

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Kit 💕💕 | G1
Strat Clouded (#267849)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:05:15
@Anarcho lmao high five. XD My autism causes so many problems for me. Loads of sensory issues and selective mutism makes working really hard. :< And the job I tried... Well. It was definitely not one suited for that lmao. xD

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AnarchoPunx [G1 Ra
MR] (#154430)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:10:22
@Kit I mostly have problems with sensory stuff too but I’m really good at avoiding them too^^ clothes itchy? Won’t buy them. My surroundings are too loud/annoying? Headphones. Food has weird texture? Won’t eat it
Only problem is that people are really annoying and I hate most with a passion xD children are the worst tbh, I just try to avoid having to be in a place with too many people like work for example or only buying groceries in the evening when most people are done :D
Also i got literally zero impulse control and I can’t fake feelings if my life would depend on it xD small talk also sucks lmao like just tell me something interesting instead of talking about the weather???

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Asteria | She/They | (#239069)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:12:43
I have her, a chased with an Ivory base and Ruffian panther. She's a bit older, but would you be interested in her Star?

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AnarchoPunx [G1 Ra
MR] (#154430)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:12:46
But hey I’m really good at calculating my chances to get anything I want and I basically always find a way to solve problems, and it’s mostly the fastest AND easiest way to do stuff too
Take this raffle for example :D

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Kit 💕💕 | G1
Strat Clouded (#267849)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:17:23
@Anarcho omg right??? I go shopping for clothes and have to walk about touching them all to see if they feel okay. XD I have some massive headphones and little earphones for noises. And god food textures... :( Hate em, and it's hard sometimes. People are so very annoying lol, I feel that in my soul, it's why I spend most of my time cooped up inside. Sometimes though I just feel so useless, yknow... I feel like I should be working, should be doing something with my life but... I'm not

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StarShine (#170786)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:25:30
I’m currently out for a little family dinner. Missed sooooo much. Give me like… 1-2 hours to catch up on everyone lol

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Kit 💕💕 | G1
Strat Clouded (#267849)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:27:06
Aha, sorry Star. Anarcho and I may have gotten a little carried away chatting. :P

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AnarchoPunx [G1 Ra
MR] (#154430)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:42:16
@Kit gotta say one last thing before I’ll stop clogging Star‘s raffle thread xD
Why do you think you should be working? Society is a manmade construct, it’s as fake as gender :) I personally believe that everyone should just enjoy their life as good as they can
And if that means you’re ordering & eating burgers while drinking coke & watching SpongeBob at 3am then so what? Who cares? just live life like a lizard, lie in the sun and eat all day lmao
When you’re dead you’ll be eventually forgotten, no matter how many children & grandchildren you may have had or how hard you worked, someday you’ll just be a name in someone’s story about their ancestors^^
So why not just enjoy the short time we got on earth? The only thing we HAVE to do eventually is dying

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Kit 💕💕 | G1
Strat Clouded (#267849)

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Posted on
2022-05-06 16:45:10
@Anarcho, I mean I guess you're right. I just feel bad lounging around my parents house while my dad and brother work hard... I feel like I should be doing something. And well, benefits aren't much, not really enough to live on if I get a proper home so... :(

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