Posted on 2022-04-30 23:30:00
The May event launches on May 1st at 00:00am LDT, and will end on May 31st at 11:59pm LDT. All unused event currency will be stored on your account until next year.

May Event - Challenges


It's May, and the annual Championship event is starting! It calls for all lions from surrounding lands to come and participate! A Battle Arena was organised in a giant dried gorge for all lions to enter and compete in hourly matches in order to win Manticora Beetles and other fabulous prizes!


Earning Arena Tokens
Arena Tokens are needed to enter the Arena and win prizes.
- To earn one, you must go to the Event page. Here, you can press a button, and the script will pick someone that is online. The player receives a notification and will have 15 minutes to defend; then, the fight will happen, and an Arena Token will be granted to the winner.
- If the challenge expires before the player defends, the attacker has a small chance of winning an Arena Token by way of a surprise attack!
- Anyone online within the past 15 minutes can be challenged, even if they're in their kitchen getting a snack.
- If you post in the chat room but are not actively browsing the game, you're still considered to be online.
- You can challenge one player every 15 minutes.
- One player can be challenged by multiple people at once!
- Stats do not matter during challenges, only for the Arena.
- No one loses any Arena Tokens during challenges - the Arena Tokens are generated for winners by the game.
- There's an extra chance to get an Arena Token from a Tier 1 explore encounter!

The Tournaments
As of 2019, we've introduced Championship 2.0!

You will participate in Elimination Tournaments that hold a total of 8 participants, meaning that everyone who enters will fight a chosen opponent. You're able to check out this opponent! The winners will progress to the semi-finals, then onto the finals.
The challenges and stat-based tiers for your group are still the same as in previous years.


As you can see, the winner can get Manticora Beetle payouts multiple times, up to a total of 15 Manticora Beetles!

The payout for any win is 4 to 5 Manticora Beetles. The initial stage losers will receive a consolation prize. The winners who progress to the semi-finals and end up losing do not get consolation prizes, as they previously won Manticora Beetles.

- It will cost you 3 Arena Tokens to participate.
- The semi-finals and final winners will receive item prizes! There's even a rare chance to win an Egg Yolk!

List of Potential Prizes
Winner Trophies
- Cheetah Skull (craftable, toy)
- Crocodile Eggs (food)
- Egg Yolk (food)
- Kudu Horn (craftable, toy)
- Lion Skull (craftable, toy)
- Porcupine Quills (craftable)
- Small Tortoise (food)

Loser Trophies
- Crocodile Scale (craftable)
- Juicy Lizard (food)
- Lion's Claw (craftable)
- Lion's Tooth (craftable)
- Malachite Sunbird Feathers (craftable, toy)
- Scimitarbill Feathers (craftable, toy)
- Shiny Stones (craftable)
- Tail Tuft Hair (craftable)
- Tree Agama (food)

The Tournament results are available on the Championship page, and are ordered by ID. You will also be PMed with a Game Notification about available results! They will also be listed in your user log. The results will expire after a week.

Arena Timers
There are no timers! Once a tournament fills up with players, it will run and give you results immediately. You are still on an hour cooldown, so that you can take a rest and prepare for the next battle!

Raising Bars
It takes 8 participants per tournament, so the bar will raise by 8 points every time a tournament runs!

You can also meet Championship participants and fans in Explore! Fun! They may give you Manticora Beetles if you win a battle with them. If you claim a lioness fan, she might give you some, too!

Go forth, brave warriors, challenge each other, and participate in the Arenas!

Be sure to utilise the official Lioden Wiki to the fullest! Here is a link to the May event page: https://www.lioden.wiki/may

Black line separator.

What's New in 2022?

Champion Shop Content
New backgrounds and decors will be available in all three tiers of the Champion Shop!

Canyon Death Pit
Deep Canyon
Barbarian Armour [Arms]
Barbarian Armour [Legs]
Barbarian Armour [Head]
Barbarian Armour [Chest]
Barbarian Armour [Rump]
Barbarian Armour [Necklace]

During the tournaments, you can earn trophies by winning (or losing). We try to give them more and more purpose, by introducing new crafting recipes! They will be enabled in May automatically with a script, so they will show up as "event crafting", but tomorrow we will remove that and they will remain there year-round!

Here are the recipes!

Iridescent Feather Nose Chain
3x Beetle: Habrodera nilotica [Iridescent], 10x Malachite Sunbird Feathers, 10x Scimitarbill Feathers and 15x Nut Grass
Iridescent Feather Body Chain
3x Beetle: Habrodera nilotica [Iridescent], 10x Malachite Sunbird Feathers, 10x Scimitarbill Feathers and 15x Nut Grass
Sweet Sweet Marula
10x Lion Skulls, 20x Marula Fruit, 20x Underbrush and 20x Tail Tuft Hairs

A new craftable trophy base this year is Marula!


Marula is a Golden Light Solid Special applicable base tied to Tawny skin.

Next year, the next May applicator base will appear in the shop - we plan to make it a tradition to swap their source annually like this.

There is also a new base and four new eye colours this year that are exclusive to groupies!


Ripe is a Golden Dark Countershaded Special base tied to Black skin, a golden Duat recolour!


Hetero Denim & Jade and Hetero Jade & Denim eyes are new as well. The genetics are:
(Hetero Denim & Jade 20%, Denim 20%, Jade 20%, Grey 10%, Malachite 10%, Green 10%, Sage 10%)
(Hetero Jade & Denim 20%, Denim 20%, Jade 20%, Grey 10%, Malachite 10%, Green 10%, Sage 10%)

You cannot breed Hetero Jade & Denim (or vice versa) eyes from breeding Jade x Denim . It can only be passed down from a parent with these Hetero eyes.

Hetero Blue & Ice and Hetero Ice & Blue eyes are new as well. The genetics are:
(Hetero Blue & Ice 40%, Blue 30%, Ice 30%)
(Hetero Ice & Blue 40%, Blue 30%, Ice 30%)

You cannot breed Hetero Ice & Blue (or vice versa) eyes from breeding Ice x Blue. It can only be passed down from a parent with these Hetero eyes.

As with prior years, your NPC of choice in the storyline has a Reputation Shop, which sells items! In 2022, we're introducing two new marking applicators: Grunge and Scraped Grunge. Vashkartzen's Reputation Shop sells Scraped Grunge, while V'Kai's sells Grunge.


Note: We'll add the markings to the game after Sunday!

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May Storyline - Brotherhood of Zeal

The May storyline is different from how April worked. We'll give you all a summary!
Every new tier (including Tier 0, before the bar is unlocked), a new chapter of a visual novel will be accessible in a new area of the Event page: Brotherhood of Zeal. The novel will place you within a roleplaying story with small, branching choices.

Do you remember it working differently before? Due to server issues in 2017, the novels were tied to specific unlock dates instead.

Tier 0 - Chapter 1
Tier 1 - Chapter 2
Tier 2 - Chapter 3
Tier 3 - Chapter 4
Chapter 5, unlocks on May 25th after Chapter 4 is completed!

Take note that if you start this later in the month, you will experience chapters one after the other, all in a row.

How Do Chapters Work?
You will be presented with a visual novel that has choices. As you click through buttons, you will progress within the story, and your choices that are marked with asterisks (*) will either have a special outcome, or affect your daily quests! (Do not worry, the button will for sure tell you what the outcome is!) Some multiple answers do not have asterisks - they're just for your personal roleplaying character preferences. The outcome will be the same.


This is the only time we've introduced asterisks! In 2017, you guys got to get used to how things worked for our first-ever branching storyline, so we've decided to keep it that way.

Chapter 1 will introduce you to your first optional choice that affects your daily rewards. It will affect the groupies you can claim as part of your rewards.

In case you'd like to change your mind, the Champion Shop's tier 1 will contain a cheap item, Mummified Heart, that will let you change the choice you made in Chapter 1.

Now, Chapters 2, 3, and 4 will give you some choices as well. If you regret your choice in Chapter 2, the next two chapters will let you change your mind two more times as you progress in the novel.

The new Chapter 5 will not give you a choice to switch your NPC. Instead, it will provide you with some closure to the story. You guys asked for it! We designed the initial story with an open, unsure ending, thinking you guys would roleplay or imagine what played out afterwards. We heard you wanted more, so hopefully this short, extra ending will make everyone happy!
Additionally, the ending will let you choose a small set of rewards based upon your preferences. Let us warn you that you may want to keep your impression bar percentage (IMP %) low before progressing into the last chapter!

Daily Quests
There are four Daily Quests that you can do for your chosen Brotherhood bro. They can be taken daily, but they will reset upon rollover, regardless of whether you've finished them or not.
They reward you with special reputation and Arena Tokens.


What is Reputation For? Special Rewards, Of Course!
Reputation is another "currency" that you gather by doing daily quests for your NPC. Your reputation is separate for each NPC that you side with: the reputation you gain with V'Kai does not carry over to Vashkartzen, and vice versa.
You spend the reputation points on Special Rewards each NPC offers.
- The quests and rewards are adjusted to the new tournament system and have been slightly tweaked.

Since Chapter 1 exclusively introduces V'Kai, you can spend your reputation only on his reward. It has a 6 hour cooldown, and costs 8 reputation to activate each time.

V'Kai's Special Reward
By spending 8 reputation, you click on a button that auto-claims a lion for you. You need territory space, as your claimed lion will go directly to your den. There is no "claiming mini-game", like in explore.
Newly Claimed Groupies have a similar generating script to NCLs, however:
- Unique groupies have a tiny chance of having a rare base (Kimanjano and Mandarin are excluded)
- Unique groupies can have any eye colour and personality
- Unique groupies have a small chance of coming with a pose equipped
- Unique groupies have a very rare chance of being mutated (all Lethals, Blind, Dorsal Fur, Dwarfism, Eyeless, Leopon, Mane Imperial, Noble and Succubus, all Patches, all Piebalds, DU, Primal (Felis), Primal (Ferus), Primal (Smilus) and Tigon are excluded)
- Unique groupies have a small chance of being a teen male (if you choose the chapter boost, the chance will be bigger!)
- Unique groupies will have two markings randomly chosen by the script, including rare markings, albeit... rarely! (Mottled Rosette and Mottled Stripes are excluded)
- NEW IN 2022 - Unique groupies can come with a new set of exclusive bases and eye colours!

Spoiler alert! If you'd like to know in advance what's in store for May's storyline, check out the Brotherhood of Zeal Wiki page: https://www.lioden.wiki/brotherhood-of-zeal. All of the chapters are separated and linked there!

What are those earthquakes?!
Perhaps you'll find out in June!

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Punk Breeding Challenge?

The Punk Breeding Challenge will repeat this month, May 16th! For more information, check out the news about it from 2020, or read up on the Punk Breeding Challenge wiki page!

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Edited on 01/05/22 @ 00:00:10 by a Moderator

Kiwi (#137598)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:30:18
omg im first

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Edited on 30/04/22 @ 23:30:32 by Kiwi (#137598)

🥝 Kiwi | Lifelong
Hiatus 🥝 (#251788)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:30:21
news update yall

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🌩️Stormy🌩️ (#248057)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:30:24
Yay news!

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Edited on 30/04/22 @ 23:30:47 by 🛸Vexcera🛸 (#248057)

🌩️Stormy🌩️ (#248057)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:30:25
Jdjxmsjdjs dbx

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➳ aster 🌱 g1
natural | 8xbush (#247541)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:30:28
mews! :DDDDDDD

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rabbit ★ (#207166)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:30:36
News!!! omg! so exciteddd

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riceball . cairngorm
full BO (#164111)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:30:36

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𝓯𝓵𝓸𝓻𝓪 (#268681)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:31:05

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frosty 🪶 (#229018)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:31:17

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Wolffe Spider (#266275)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:31:25
YES! YES YES YES!! THIS LOOKS SO COOL ^-^ and the marula base

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Casper (#196564)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:31:54
read this comment for good groupie luck

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SwiftRiver (#258564)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:32:05
NEWS sounds so cool!

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ghost eyes (#108692)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:32:08
exciting! i love the ripe base ahh<3

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[ Lemon ] (#154454)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:32:20
newss!!! :D

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₭łⱤr₳Ⱨ (#193538)

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Posted on
2022-04-30 23:32:56
love the new markings added. as always, may never disappoints!

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