Posted by My new pet, a bearded dragon

I2Lions [Lights Off] (#200128)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-05-01 11:23:30
I got a baby bearded dragon as a birthday present this year. He’s so cute and his colors are getting vibrant. He’s still not doing that well with handling, but I know he will calm down if I keep trying, so I try to handle him for at least 5 minutes once a day. After a while without a name, I named him Vanzeldar, which was something that my mom suggested. Here are some pictures of him from the past few months, he was about 2 months old when I got him:

Vanzeldar at 2 months old:



Vanzeldar at 3 months old:

Hammock again

Vanzeldar at 4 months old:


Sexy leg pose, something bearded dragons will do when they are relaxed.

The oranges he has don’t show up as well on camera, but they are more vibrant in person. He was about 6 or 7 inches long including the tail when I got him and he’s more than double that now. I’m excited to see him grow even more. I can tell when he’s about to shed because his colors won’t be as vibrant and on the days he sheds, I will hear him moving around his basking spot like crazy trying to rub that itchy shed off. And I think it’s interesting that I can see the color pattern in his shed.

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SimpleContinuous (#282665)

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Posted on
2022-05-16 20:42:16
I'm in love with Vanzeldar! Beardies are one of my fav little kiddos

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Lotus |G1 Haliotis
Colorbomb (#283337)

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Posted on
2022-07-25 19:00:52
Aww he's so cute! I also have 2 bearded dragons. One named Sandy and the other named Phoenix (Both kept in sperate tanks of course!). Sandy looks a lot like your little lizard (Ok well big lizard now). It's hard to believe how fast they grow!

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