Posted by Erasiah's TLK Style Adoptables + Customs: Open

Erasiah (#6252)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-01 17:47:45

Banner made for me by my brother.(The chibi lion is by me.)

All Designs and Art Linked below is by me and only me!


1. You may add/remove anything from the design you bought.
2. You can change the Gender.
3. Please credit me at least once for the design.
4. You may re-sell them, but for no more than what you bought them for(Unless they come with extra art), You can also gift them and trade them.
5. Please do not steal the designs.
6. I do holds for my adopts but only for a 3 days.(Unless otherwise stated)
7. No Refunds.(Unless I, myself, state that there is a problem)
8. I accept and .
9. I have the right to deny a design to someone who hasn't paid.
10. If you think one of these is too similar to someone else's or an adopt I made before please let me know and I will remove/change it(Or if the design has been bought, I will fix the situation).
11. Please be respectable to me and I will be respectful to you. You don't have to agree with what I say, I just need you to be respectful to me and other buyers.
12. Please don't complain if you don't get the design you want.
13. Don't complain about my prices.
14. You may tweak the colors on the designs you bought to make it fit with the rest of your characters.
15. If I decide to give someone extra time to pay, please understand that its because its an understandable explanation.
22. Please understand that if you asked for an adoptable/custom and have not paid, it will not be my top priority.

1 = 1000

Open Designs

1 & 2.
Price: 5 or 5000 each

Price: 5 or 5000

Price: 5 or 5000


Price: 5 or 5000 each

Gender: Male or Female
Any Specifics you want on your lion/lioness?:
Paying in?: or

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Edited on 19/03/23 @ 14:48:48 by Erasiah (#6252)

Ama (#183150)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-01 18:18:20
Oop, misunderstood xD May I buy 3 and 4 of the adopts (the bottom 2), and possibly dm you about a custom or two?

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Edited on 01/05/22 @ 18:26:03 by TheScarletBitch (#183150)

Erasiah (#6252)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-02 11:12:33
Of course! What will you be paying in for the adoptables? c:

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2022-05-02 13:09:28
GB, if that's okay! It's 10 for the male and cub together, right? <3

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-05-02 13:09:59
Hello ! Could I get a custom ?

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Erasiah (#6252)

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Posted on
2022-05-02 13:21:18
(#183150) - Yep! That's correct! <3

(#260420) - Of course! Please pm me with what you'd like! <3 Just so you know, customs will be made on my pre-made line-art, I have 5 different ones. :3 So if you'd prefer an adult over a cub let me know and I'll make it happen!

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Ama (#183150)

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Posted on
2022-05-02 14:24:54
Sending the payment now! Do you have a discord by chance to discuss the custom?

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-02 14:27:40
@Erasiah (#6252)
Totally fine ! I'll PM you. :)

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Edited on 02/05/22 @ 14:27:46 by adamant [g6 1000+ ogdoad rlc] (#260420)

Erasiah (#6252)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-02 15:09:52

Closed Designs

3 & 4. father_and_cub_adoptables___lioden_by_erasiah_df4ljlj-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9Njc2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMWE2NzE4ZTctODhkMS00M2Y4LThmNGYtYmZlNDg1OGE5MDc4XC9kZjRsamxqLTVkYWViYWVmLTc4MDctNDg1MC1hY2VjLTkzYmMyYTIxMDM1MS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI4MCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.JeAjCMOKlL1XaEA3fIgRmBMca45DeHNdN00PTqJpL6k
Price: 5 or 6000 each Taken by: #183150

5. _adoptable__kasi_x_kion_non_by_erasiah_df5sq8l-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9OTk0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMWE2NzE4ZTctODhkMS00M2Y4LThmNGYtYmZlNDg1OGE5MDc4XC9kZjVzcThsLThmMzUyZjNkLTQ2ZDktNDIwNS1iN2IxLTgyYWMwOWU4NjVhYS5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTI3MyJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.1TSOLCdtHVFxo1LJd0_h7-P0i5vfKIiyIHu6rSi_lSk
Price: 5 or 6000 Taken by: #183150

6 &
7 i_got_you__adoptables_lioden_by_erasiah_df5t574-pre.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI2OCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzFhNjcxOGU3LTg4ZDEtNDNmOC04ZjRmLWJmZTQ4NThhOTA3OFwvZGY1dDU3NC0zMGRmNjE3My0xMjY1LTQ1MGQtODQ1Mi1kN2YxNzlmMjU1Y2UucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.jljOuT5PWy64ws_LM4V_dwe-Woao61cyymmKQS1fAPw
Price: 5 or 6000 each Taken by: #183150

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Edited on 01/06/22 @ 16:10:36 by Erasiah (#6252)

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