Posted by Val's Groupie Shop

🌸 Briar (G2
Harlequin Khnum) (#199836)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-02 18:40:43

Hello and welcome to Val's Groupie Shop!


✧ Please be nice to everyone in this thread
✧ Do not bid what you do not have
✧ Let me know if you cannot afford the bid you made anymore
✧ All names are clickable and will bring you to the lions page
✧ Toggle the spoiler to see their markings/base and information
✧ The one with the highest bid or auto-buys receives the lion
✧ When auto-buying you claim the lion as yours and will be sent ASAP


As payment I take currency and items!
I will use the following to ratio:
1 = 1200

I will also be accepting these Items:
Cotton Root Bark = 1
Instant Birth Feather = 2
Roasted Lamb = 2
Black Stallion = 3
Lion Meat = 7
Buffalo Scrotum = 16
Lion Scrotum = 23
Crunchy Worm = 36
Ochre Gnawrock = 50
GMO Cow = 50

For any other Items feel free to ask if I accept them!


From now on I will be hiding the links in a spoiler so the ones that are interested in checking them out can still find them, but for those who are only looking at the lions will not be Clustered with this anymore


Abyssinian Groupie (A1)

SB: 1 GB
AB: 25 GB
MI: 100 SB
CB: --

Dawn Eyed Groupie (A2)

SB: 100 SB
AB: 5 GB
MI: 100 SB
CB: --

Pearl Eyed Groupie (A3)

SB: 100 SB
AB: 5 GB
MI: 100 SB
CB: --

Pearl Eyed Groupie(A4)

SB: 100 SB
AB: 5 GB
MI: 100 SB
CB: --

Pearl Eyed Groupie (A5)

SB: 100 SB
AB: 5 GB
MI: 100 SB
CB: --

Male Sunspot Groupie (A6)

SB: 150 sb
AB: 15 gb
MI: 100 sb
CB: --

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Edited on 17/05/23 @ 20:28:30 by Valkyrae (G7 Crested Ankh) 🌟 (#199836)

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