Posted by | Daughter Of Eurynome (UNFINISHED) |
Łɇx (#231389) View Forum Posts Posted on 2022-05-04 11:25:40 |
A new event has approached and you are eager to begin crafting and creating new things. As you wonder your lands you come across a clearing full of treasures. You are pulled to them and soon greed takes over you. As you reach for a gem a paw appears and swats you away. You look up and find a lioness standing a few inches from you, clearly angry at your act of thievery. "How could you? I know my items are amazing and very interesting but you can't just take things." She turned and signaled for you to follow with her tail. She leads you to a cave and sits on a bed made of moss and wildflowers. "I'm αℓυ and this is my giveaway hollow. If you'd waited I would have told you that." DO NOT POST AS THIS IS A W.I.P!!! 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 04/05/22 @ 11:34:20 by The Devil Next Door (#231389) |
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