Posted by ☄️ Free Lion Writings - [OPEN] ☄️

recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-05-04 18:49:55

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Hello everyone ! A while back, I opened up a writing shop which I quickly closed up due to how unexpectedly busy I got with life. I'm not saying that my life isn't busy at the moment because it's quite hectic but lately, I've been getting rustier with my writing skills. This isn't something I feel too happy about and so I'll be writing up some free lion writings for you guys !

The options are either to write a bio up for your lion or to write up a story with your lion. A bio would essentially be their background. A story could be of two lions you want interacting. Or, just a silly thing that your lion has gone through. Whatever is fine really.

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- Credit me for the writing.

- Fill out the form.

- After I'm finished with the writings, I'll DM it to you and you may ask for a few tweaks. That's it however.

- I can't promise I'll be able to do every single request. If you are truly interested, PM me and we can work something out. Payment is required though.

- All writings will be in third person.

- Keep in mind that I have a life and that I'm a very busy person. Please do not rush me.

- These writings could either be short or long. It just depends on how into the characters I get.

- If you ask for a bio and I don't feel capable, I may ask you to switch to a story. If you ask for a story and I don't feel capable, I may ask you to switch to a bio.

- I don't mind writing fighting, blood, dark topics, etc. I won't write NSFW though considering I'm a minor.

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Dominicus + The Night Crawlers Lore (My Pack Lore) | Lore + Backstory Example

Ixora | Appearance + Personality Example

Elaine | Appearance + Personality Example

Mabelle | Appearance + Personality Example

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Username & ID:


Information about Lion(s): (Personality, morals, other details, etc)

Type of Writing: (Bio or Story)


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Edited on 04/05/22 @ 18:52:50 by adamant [g6 1000+ ogdoad rlc] (#260420)

Great tit enjoyer (#258909)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-12 10:58:23
Hiya,I'd like some story of bio of my lioness,sandstorm? We could discuss it in your dms if you so wish

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-05-12 10:59:00
I'd be up for that ! Feel free to PM me. :)

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Wanderers (#271687)

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Posted on
2022-05-12 17:33:01

Username & ID: Ushanma's Pride

Lion(s): Ziggy

Information about Lion(s): (Personality, morals, other details, etc) Ziggy is the first mutated lion born into this pride.She is also betrothed to the future Leader of the Pride. She is very nervous about all of this. Her morals are good and she is a gentle and breakable lion she was found by the leader of the pride

Type of Writing: (Bio or Story) Bio

Other: thats all. Would you like me to messege you about it?

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-05-12 17:56:11
Yup, feel free to message me !

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Kace (#230923)

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Posted on
2022-07-26 15:25:45
Username & ID: Kace, 230923

Lion(s): Gray, My king Aki, And Shatara

Information about Lion(s): Aki and Shatara Where close, They where wandering around one day when they found Gray, See gray was curled up near their mother. Their mother had died when hunting. Shatara Quickly took the young lion in, Aki and gray grew close, Forming a very close bond. Shatara always looked at gray like her child, Her and gray had a cave of their own. Both where broodmothers as gray was just always with the cubs, never wanting to leave their side. Gray grew a very large personality and loved to boss other lions around

Type of Writing: Story


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Stringworm, Roach
the Gary <3 (#233091)

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Posted on
2022-07-26 15:54:08
Username & ID: Stringworms #233091

Lion(s): Windfall! (ignore her cubs they're going to be tossed lol)

Information about Lion(s): (Personality, morals, other details, etc) there is literally nothing about Windfall right now, she is a blank slate and its all up to you! the only thing of note is that she is not a regular lion, her and all the others of her pride have the ability to shape shift into a human form as well.

Type of Writing: (Bio or Story) story

Other: Windfall belongs to a pride that worships these two gods who are in love with each other. they believe that one god was so in love with the other, that they made a species that could be both a lion and a human as a gift to the other god, who enjoyed both species greatly. at the same time, the other god made a species that was both wolf and human for the same reason (that was for my wolvden account lol). The lions believe that everyone has some form of beauty in them from their gods mutual love of eachother (some are surface level such as BO traits or special bases, and others talents like writing and drawing) and that every beauty was also a gift to them, for being the gods favorite creations.

its kind of corny but its also kind of cute lol. its not very important to the story but it does help explain the type of world they live in ^^

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