Posted by Tigon Team Design Contest

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-09 09:11:36

Tigon Team Design Contest:

This raffle is for Tigon Team members only. You must be part of the clan to have a valid entry. If you join the clan to enter then leave you will be blocked.


Hello everyone this contests theme is: Battle(Think May Event).

This contest is sponsored by the Tigon Team. A place to discuss and breed different Hybrids mainly Tigons as well as just general chatter. Vist the Clan to learn more.

[Clan Link]

Now on to the Contest Details!

This Contest will be make a Lion Design that has no limits in what markings you can use.

Please read the Contest Rules for Specific Details.

Contest Rules

°You Design must be made in the wardrobe and saved to be counted as a entry.

To save your design please go down to the bottom of the design you have created and name it (if you wish) then save it.

°Please post a link of your wardrobe design preferably a clickable link or a small link.

If you want a small link you have save your design, now if you are in the wardrobe and scroll down you should have the design saved (prefably with a name). Next to the name is a link. This link will link to the wardrobe design you created and is much smaller.

Use this below to post your link as clickable just remove the * after filling in the information.

<*a href="URL HERE">TEXT HERE<*/a*>

°Your lioness does not have to have 10 markings total but this is a design contest.

If you use less markings try and use decor to spruce up the design to fit the theme.

Your Lioness can have any Breed Only or Raffle Only Bases(Same for markings).

Any applicator bases can be used. For a list of the bases please vist this [Link] and scroll down. You can use anything listed(This is just a better visual tgan drop diwn menus.

°You can only have 1 entry and no more.

You can have 1 lion design entry. Even if it is just a simple base change this counts as a 2nd entry. Please try and make sure your design is finished before uploading. Note: You are allowed to pm me or post here(in a new post) that you are changing your design because slot x (base, eyes, etc.) For what ever reason was off. Do not do this just because you saw somones entry. Thus I will allow 1 changer per person.

Things to Take Note:

°I am chronicly ill though its not serious I am tired a lot due to pain, and even if I am online it is mostly just to use my energy and advertise. So I may not update this everyday but I will reply to questions and update as soon as possible.

°Besides the above my sister up for the weekends sometimes longer, and we do not spend much time together so I may be online less than normal those days.

°All designs are free for me/others to use and or create when you post them here though not all lionesses posted will be created if at all. It is for fun.

°I may not have time to check if your design follows the rules/theme listed above so please read them carefully and ask if you have any questions in particular.

°If you have any questions you may post here or pm me I will be checking both and will reply asap.

°You can in turn pm me your design or post your design in discord out of convinice or if you saw the Clan announcment before the thread.

Design Restrictions:

°Lions must have at least 3 markings no exceptions.

°Lions Gender or Age pose does not matter.

°Your Lion can be mutated unless it is the Mutation Albinism or Melanism as that blocks Design.

°You can pose your Lioness.

°You can and are encoraged to Decorate your Lion

Bonus Points:

If you design has one or more of the following you have a better shot at winning

°Follows Design Rules
°At least 1-2 Decors that Fit the theme
°A design that looks took time


Depending on how this goes I may add more prizes.(Example Special Mention Winner).

End Date: Probably around the 20th for judging.

First Place: 20 or Buffalo Scrotum

Second Place: 5

Third Place: 2

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Edited on 09/05/22 @ 09:16:38 by Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-09 09:11:57


Coming soon

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Edited on 09/05/22 @ 09:12:12 by Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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