Posted by G3 Achromatic lioness

Stringworm, Roach
the Gary <3 (#233091)

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Posted on
2022-05-13 15:26:20
I had a G3 achromatic lioness born on my side account from my breeding project. She is G3 overall, but the first ever achromatic lioness in her line (born to a non mutated g2 king, and a CRB'd chased NCL). This is Guinevere, the lioness in question. I was wondering how much would be a good price for her heat, and how much i should charge to just buy her outright.

I'm a bit attached to her, and not sure if i want to sell her or not (but i know i want to sell her heats) but i just wanted to know in case i do sell her in the future.

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