Posted by -LOCKED - [REJECTED] A couple topics Mutation rates + inbree
darkMatter (#278385)

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Posted on
2022-05-14 23:52:10
Now before you say OH NOOO that'll ruin the market or just a bad idea in general, hell even the traits thing.

Hear me out, so for inbreeding, I was thinking about how it only affects females and not males. HOWEVER, for the females, you have a new bar that says 'Lethal mutations percent, the max you can get is 35%.(or whateverthe mods want interms of percent and mutationslmafo) Which means the ones like eyeless and deafness can happen to the males but I dunno..maybe like a 5% chance I dunno code lmafo or instead of these things maybe make stats weaker each generation

Speaking of mutations rates, there should be a feature where any and all mutations (Ecept for the ones that breed with other species), should go up like 1% firtility has the highest for mutations which gives the ones who want dwarfism mutations they can?? Making a market for lower end fertility as like say the low fertility has like 35% chance to get pregnant, but lets say that means theres a 15% chance of it being het, lethal, etc....

Idk stupid ideas lmafo...

This suggestion has 1 support and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/05/22 @ 23:52:37 by darkMatter (#278385)

Pandora (#144118)

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Posted on
2022-05-15 00:23:34
Even though it may be subject to change, currently both 'mutations inheritance' and 'inbreeding effects' are on the rejected suggestions list, so as of right now, there is no possibility of these being added to the game!

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