Posted by Looking for a heir!

½ (#260614)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-05-28 05:12:35
Hello! I feel as if my king is aging relatively quickly, So I've decided to start searching for a new heir.

Here are some requirements for this heir,

[!] Must [!] :
-Be under the age of 2 years
-Be mutated (Only patches/pie and primal, Primal fangs excluded)
-Have decent stats (600+)

[!] Preferred if [!]
-A bunch of markings, I'm looking for lions with 5-8 markings (Bo and rosettes specifically)
-Special genetics
-Colorbomb/ Neon green/ Neon blue colouring :)
-its a male (Not needed as long as its sex changable!)

[!] Instant no [!] :
-A potato cub
Always will be atleast 10GB and a red cock.
Although i may add : More GB, Lion scrotum, Marking applicators.

(Please do not remove your offer soon after making it, its an instant block from me, Ty)
{If your interested in offering, here's the link to the trade :

[EDIT: I am checking all lions heritage and checking them all out in the wardrobe too].
Thank you for your time! ^^

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Edited on 28/05/22 @ 12:51:57 by Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ☾He/Him☽ (#260614)

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