Posted by Heartstoppers Stories

Heartstopper (#258102)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-05-29 08:44:10
Hi, there! I can make bios for your lions, dens, and prides. ​You can take a look around my pride to see how they would be set up. You can PM me or respond to the thread if you are interested, with this form filled out.

For a lion-
1. What lion?:
2. What personality does this lion have?:
3. Is there anything specific that you want included?:
4. Do you have any ideas for what you want it to be about?:
5. How long do you want it to be?

For your pride/cave-
1. What is the setting?:
2. How long do you want it to be?:
3. Is there anything specific that you want included?:

After I have finished writing the bio, I will send it to you through PM. You can then send me the payment that we agreed on.


1-2 hours: 2 GB, 2,000 SB or another decent offer.
3-5 hours: 5 GB, 5,000 SB, breeding items, unique decors
6-10 hours: 10 GB, Breeding items, Applicators
11+ hours: GB depends on time, rare/custom decors, Applicators (rare)

Thank you and I hope you have a nice day!

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Edited on 07/06/22 @ 13:58:14 by Heartstopper (#258102)

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