Posted by Territory Description 1: “OatMeat’s St
Oat (#264417)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-05-31 08:22:20
(Keeping log of my past territory descriptions. Will change at least every new heir.)
Territory description 1: “OatMeat’s Story”
If you follow the right river, you may come across an odd assortment of lions and lionesses that call themselves the “Found family pride”.
As you wander into the area, a young and kindly looking male lion with golden eyes glinting in the moonlight motions you over to a rock by the flowering stream.
“hello there, traveler.” He says with a smile. “Sit here by the River with me, and I’ll tell you a story.”
As you settle down beside him, he begins.
“When I was young, not that I’m old by any means” he let out a good natured chuckle. He continues,
“When I was young, just aging out of adolescence,I wandered from my pride. They didn’t have enough to space to house me, feed me, give me a home, so I left. I was lost, and confused…yet in the darkness of night when all seemed lost, I took a rest right here on this rock, watching the stream, and wouldn’t you know it? a lioness walked up to me!
“What are you doing here, all alone on a night like tonight?” She said to me, and so I told her my story, just as I am telling you. one thing lead to another, and well, we started a pride together. In the beginning it was hard…neither of us knew what we were doing. our first litter of cubs…well, they didn’t make it. I still think about them from time to time…what kind of lions would they be today if I had been wiser then? If I had known how to protect them…well, it’s no use, they’re got now after all…” he sighed, trailing off, staring up at the clouds lost in thought.
“Oh, well that’s not the point of the story is it now? The point of the story is…well, I’ve grown! So has the pride. My first lioness is gone to a nature reserve, she grew from me and the pride, but I grew too. Look around!”
He stands, gesturing at the clearing, bustling with cubs and adols, and lionesses alike.
“I built this from the ground up. Every one of us, we were lost and confused, just as I was. Bit now we’ve found home, and eachother.”
He yawns, stretching in the warm evening light.
“Well, I’ve just about talked your ears off by now. Just know, if you ever find yourself on hard times…well, we always have a place for those who have not yet found their way, for some, we are their final destination, and for some we just a stop. But now- it’s getting dark. How’s about we all have a meal, shall we?”
You spend the rest of your night scarfing down meat and chatting it up with the lions of this pride.”

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