Posted by Moving Decor

Daedal🌸🦐💍 (#278923)

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Posted on
2022-05-31 20:30:51
So, everyone knows how you can't use decor on primals because of body shape, but this could ultimately change the game for primal users.
A four way directional pad for MOVING DECOR AROUND. You can move the decor up, down, left, or right with each tap or click of the directional pad.
That new headpiece you just crafted doesn't fit your Ferus? Move it down a little. That beautiful flower doesn't fit on your Felis? Push it to the right and it's good as new!
I know this would be a little difficult for certain decor (EX. Leaf bracelets), but I believe it will help with most. And it can be helpful to people who have multiple companion decor (EX. Baoball Goalie, yawning dwarf lioness), because a lot of the decor is placed in the same spot, if you could move them to all fit into your screen better, it could make your lions display more neat, unique, and beautiful.

If you don't support I would like to know why, I respect your decision, I would just want to know your reasoning so maybe I can edit this to be better

This suggestion has 84 supports and 9 NO supports.

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Edited on 31/07/23 @ 14:36:54 by BES4E | Nefer Ferus (#278923)

Rouge Moon🌙 <3
Beans + Smilus (#115495)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2022-06-01 08:52:10
I'm in the middle because for special cases like this we already do have custom decor. It is expensive in some cases and not as many types as general decor that can be put on non mutation/posed lions but it serves its purpose. I think the effort being put in might be more than it's worth personally.

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Wolffe Spider (#266275)

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Posted on
2022-06-01 14:33:28
It really wouldn't work with most decor, especially the companion decor. I see where you are coming from, but I think that creative placements and custom decor is enough already.

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Eurypterid- G2
Wicked Beet (#216176)

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Posted on
2022-06-01 14:39:08
I dont know how well most clothing decors would fit muties, each is posed uniquely and so are the normal lion poses (which I assume is the clothing decors that you would be moving around). However, I'm still in support of this because of all the decors that fit around a lion. I love decorating under a specific theme and when that one perfect decor wont fit right/gets covered up no matter how many changes you make its frustrating. I wish we could move decors around or chose where to put them so support!

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Sweatytesticle (#259067)

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Posted on
2022-06-01 18:44:38
I really like this! It would maybe take a while to release but i hope this happens, i know everyone would take advantage of it (in a good way)

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Seth (#155221)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-06-03 08:32:33
I'd love this idea for some decor. I think with others it may get frustrating. So mainly head pieces or very simple body pieces
If that makes sense?

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🥝 Kiwi | Lifelong
Hiatus 🥝 (#251788)

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Posted on
2022-06-03 08:35:56
This is kind of a hard choice. While I love this, it would add a lot to the coders' plates with bugs and everything, Plus think of mobile players.! It would be really hard for them to maneuver their decors. At that point this would become a lion dress up game instead of an RPG if you get my jist.

Still in support though!

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