Posted by Spires Mechanical Adoption Depo

TheSilverSpire (#161297)

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Posted on
2022-06-06 15:51:10

Welcome to the Deop

[Feel free to roleplay]
(Walking in, it's a cacophony of the sound of welding, steel being shaped, and chain being pulled taut. Scanning, you see someone hunched over a worktable, hammering into sheet metal.)

Welcome to the Depo friend, Feel free to look around at the workshop while i make some more new robots to befriend. There are some already here, who want to go home with someone!

|(Looking around you see a robot standing idly, it has a dark red and orange outer casing and there seems to be a deep humming coming from its engines. He's missing an arm, but seems like it doesn't stop him.)
Do you claim him?

SB: 1
AB: 10

(Continuing to look around, you spot another robot, propped up against a table, its dark green outer frame shakes slightly, like its raring to leave, shes smaller, and older, but still quite strong and full of life.)
Do you claim her?
SB: 1
AB: 10

(The clank of a hammer hitting wood startles you and you turn, the person turns towards you, their head wrapped in shadows and void.)
You know, if you dont like the look of any of the robots here at the moment, we can always make you one, but its going to take awhile, and your going to have to wait here while we make it. You should look around for any parts that interest you. We have a few more rooms, and some of them have themes, if thats what you want.

(Entrance Room) 1Gb
50% Digigrade
50% Plantigrade
50% Two Arms
25% One Arm
25% Three Arms
15% Wings
85% No Wings

(Forge Room) 1Gb
50% Digigrade
50% Plantigrade
50% Two Arms
25% One Arm
25% Three Arms
12% Wings
85% No Wings
10% Heating Element
90% None

(Storage Room) 1Gb
50% Digigrade
50% Plantigrade
50% Two Arms
50% Three Arms
30% Wings
70% No Wings
50% Extra Appendage
50% None

More rooms get uncovered every day, as you can see, were more than a little packed, so come back tomorrow, and we may have unburied another door to explore in!

|DM if you want a more detailed custom bot, we can discuss pricing and the design, price is liable to go up the more detailed it is|

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Edited on 03/01/23 @ 15:11:00 by TheSilverSpire (#161297)

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