Posted by Serengeti Shuffle Prizes

MaudGone (#88238)

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Posted on
2022-06-20 20:21:12
As a self-proclaimed avid fan of serengeti shuffle, I play the game everyday until I reach 3500+ points in order to get what are, in my opinion, the best prizes. I'd like to aim for 4444+ points in order to earn a background or piece of decor, however nearly every time i've achieved this I've received one of the prizes that I could've received if I had just scored between 3500-4443 points. I think removing these 3500-4443 point prizes from the 4444+ prize selection is a great idea, as it provides more incentive to aim for that higher range, and the now retired/removed whack-a-snake game's prizes functioned in a similar way, with the 1000+ point range having it's prize pool only consist of backgrounds and decor. Thanks for reading, if you have any comments or critiques please share !

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Edited on 20/06/22 @ 20:21:26 by MaudGone (#88238)

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