Posted by sea glass craftable bases

cillian murphy
girlfriend (#65134)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-25 21:26:39
hi! so, honestly just throwing this out there with not much information.

the idea... sea glass bases! sounds simple enough, right?

obviously, more colorful and unnatural bases have taken over Lioden, and honestly I am living for it. so why not add some... naturally unnatural bases to the game?

the idea is that, through the collection of sea glass shards, and item that could be obtained in ways such as exploring certain biomes/rare explore events, flood pit purchases, etc. I'm not 100% sure there.

here's the fun part though! sea glass is not restricted to one color, but actually exists in many colors and shades! here is a reference image:
obviously not every single color can be added, but you get it. there is a lot of opportunity for variety in this!

so, with sea glass craftable bases, I think you should either have to:
a) collect colors specific to what base you want; i.e., if you want a light blue base, you must get light blue, red for red base, etc.
b) collect one universal item that is crafted in a random color applicator. if you collect the required x amount of glass, you can craft it in an applicator that will be decided by RNG.
**and if you don't like the applicator you got, and you have one in your inventory perhaps it would be possible to have some way to "reroll" your applicator for a much smaller amount of sea glass - 1/3 of the original amount or so? I'm not quite sure.

here’s a suggestion from Jupiter: Maybe you could use a dye to change the apps color? And the dye was made from shiny rocks?

okay, that's the gameplay/obtaining portion of the process... now lets talk looks!

obviously, here's how the in game glass base looks now...
and I believe its a very pretty pattern! so why not add some more variation and a fun way to achieve it? the sea glass bases would have the same stroke pattern, simply in different colors. maybe some slight deviations from this to make it unique instead of just a recolor, but whatever works.

the lovely Veredith has made some beautiful mock-ups as to how these bases might look!
All of them have a glass base overlay, where the glass base is completely desaturated, has brightness turned down by -46 and contrast upped by +77.

Blue Seaglass

Flats and layers:

Green Seaglass

Flats and layers:

Purple Seaglass

Flats and layers:

Red Seaglass

Flats and layers:

White Seaglass

Flats and layers:

Yellow Seaglass

Flats and layers:

anyway! yeah would love to hear your suggestions and opinions. thx!

This suggestion has 94 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 26/06/22 @ 14:36:25 by veteris. (#65134)

Verridith [g1
stellar/panda] (#407)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-28 20:39:51
:D thank you for indulging my love of vibrant color hahaha

Use them as you wish!

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cillian murphy
girlfriend (#65134)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-28 21:13:37
if you would be so kind as to send me the coding in a text box i will 10000% add them to the post!!!

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Verridith [g1
stellar/panda] (#407)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-06-29 03:55:34
Oops I fell asleep before seeing this - sorry! will put it up on the same link for ya!

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andy! [g1 primal
7/9/21 NRLC] (#157452)

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Posted on
2022-07-03 19:57:56
love this idea! perhaps instead of adding new seaglass items, the shiny rock items could be used? like x amount of (color) shiny rock and x amount of gem: glass. also, if i may offer critique, the concept of rerolling the app if you get a color you dont want honestly doesnt seem like a good idea. of course though, youre not obligated to take my idea and criticism :D

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