Posted by Toko's beautiful and colorful lions

Toko (#215296)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-01 16:17:06
Welcome to my lion auctions!

I'm going to put a lot of different lions here, some just special bases, colorbombs, mutations or others! Please be kind, I'm new to auctions and forum posts on here.

---------------------------------------------------- RULES ----------------------------------------------------------

1. Please be nice to others, don't argue or get angry over lions.
2. Only bid what you have or I'll put you on my blacklist.
3. I don't look at other lions so don't offer them up.
4. I don't take accessories or decor for them.
5. No begging, I'll ignore you or block you if it continues.

---------------------------------------------ABOUT BIDDING----------------------------------------------------

1. Each lion has a different starting bid depending on how much I like them or how much they're worth.
2. The minimum increase is 50SB for anything except Colorbombs and Mutations which are 100SB MI.
3. The auctions ends after 3 rollovers.
4. Buyout prices are overpriced to encourage bidding.


1 = 900

Here is the list of the items I'll accept as payment and their worth:
- Black stallion = 2
- Nesting material = 100 each
- Lion Scrotum = 20
- Buffalo Scrotum = 22
- Chasteberry = 100
- Instant cub delivery = 2
- Cotton root bark = 1
- All poses = 1 (Priority)
-Cub/Adult sex changer = 1
- Zebra heart = 2
- Marking opacity changer = 2

I'm interested in applicators of any kind, including eyes and I'll tell you the value according the trading center and branch sales overall.

----------------------------------------------TAKE IN COUNT----------------------------------------------------

1. All lions are shown with their normal opacity to prevent confusion. I've had the issue when bidding in the past.
2. All cubs for auction here are protected by broodmothers and will be trained.
3. If you don't accept the trade or offer on it in 24 hours then it will be cancelled and the lion will return here.
4. If I don't update the bids in a while, I'm probably doing something else as I'm a very busy person. Please be patient with me and I'll get to it.
5. Lions don't come with the backgrounds I show with them


Lion auctions! Colorbombs, Muties, Special bases and more!


I hope you stay and consider buying one of my lions! I breed my lions constantly when I can and enjoy seeing what designs come out!


Post Format Credit: Kuro#271992


Lion 1:

Starting Bid: 300
Minimum Increase: 50
Autobuy: 8 (very overpriced due to sentiment)


Lion 2:

Starting Bid: 400
Minimum Increase: 50
Autobuy: 6


Lion 3:

Starting Bid: 100
Minimum Increase: 50
Autobuy: 1


Lion 4:

Starting Bid: 300
Minimum Increase: 50
Autobuy: 4




Pretty 1:

Starting Bid: 100
Minimum Increase: 50
Autobuy: 3


Pretty 2:

Starting Bid: 200
Minimum Increase: 50
Autobuy: 4


Pretty 3: Coming soon...

Starting Bid:
Minimum Increase:


Pretty 4: Coming soon...

Starting Bid:
Minimum Increase:

Pretty 5: Coming soon...

Starting Bid:
Minimum Increase:

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Edited on 18/07/22 @ 18:08:57 by Toko (#215296)

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