Posted by Food

✨TripRose✨ (#78641)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2022-07-10 22:00:41
What if to some extent battles with animals we could eat dropped carcasses? If we have a need for a feed lioden club then we have some starving players lol it would help. However I could see using snake skin to abuse this a possibility, so it would need lots of tweaking, but hey the ideas there

Sorry if this has already been suggested etc or if I didn't put this in the right place :c

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Maiq the Hoarder (#92244)

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Posted on
2022-07-11 15:07:07
If you read the battle text, you don't kill your opponents. They run away. So dropping carcasses wouldn't make sense. Hunting is easy and food relatively cheap for people who really hate hunting for whatever reason. This is not needed.

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✨TripRose✨ (#78641)

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Posted on
2022-07-11 22:55:37
Aw yeah I get that, but I feel like there could be a few events such as how when exploring when full you take the little meat pieces!

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