Posted by Announcing Trade Cancellation

HamburgerGirl - 🍔 (#237507)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-11 16:16:09
I wish it was possible to send an automated message to any people “watching” your trade that you are about to cancel it. I don’t really understand the purpose of “watching trades” if it’s impossible to know if the trade would be taken down. I propose a button that sends and automated message to anyone watching the trade that you plan to cancel it.

For instance:
“A trade you are watching has been marked for cancellation in one hour, if you’d like to review the trade click here”

With a link attached to the trade.

It would be an optional button so it’s also possible to just cancel a trade if you decide you don’t want the items, but if you want a last chance to sell and know you have people looking, I think it would be nice

This suggestion has 9 supports and 3 NO supports.

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⚔️ TriRosRa (#122111)

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Posted on
2022-07-22 19:41:23
I think you should also have the option to send a custom message when you cancel a trade to all the watchers, so you could say something like, "Will be putting up another trade for a lower price" or "Decided to king instead of selling".

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