Posted by Need gb
Brriiiizzzy27 (#302759)

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Posted on
2022-07-12 15:46:19
I have a heavenly serenity app and I’m getting more ac by tonight.
I also have a female primal I’m selling
Cave materials
Prismatic scales
Phantom quartz

My ending goal is 23 gb. I’m currently at 4 gb. I’ll take any gb offers on any of these items at this point. I have to have Atleast 20gb and a ibf by next month I need a Buffy ball too but those are easy to get next month so I’m not really worried to much about that one. If anyone can help out a fairly new player get this target for something extremely important. I’ll be very grateful towards you. And future cubs that may be high demand will be discounted for the people that buy from me and pay in gb for the rest of this month. Add me. And message me I’ll keep track of who helped. Thank you for your time in reading this.

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