Posted by Collection of July Items

So1eia (#294079)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-07-13 15:42:26
I was thinking of putting a collection of this months base applicators and some markings into a trade since I've pretty much bought what I've wanted it.

So the three bases, and maybe two of the sunset and sunrise applicators.

Does anyone have any idea how much this would get? Thanks! (I'm new so if there's a clear answer, I apologize)

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GodMutt (#91621)

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Posted on
2022-07-13 16:04:46
during the month of, when ppl can buy the applicators and bases themselves they are worth way way less, like the sunset sunrise apps are 6gb now and they were 15 or so maybe even 20gb later on in the year (like around march). So sell them in a few months for more $$$, also when u want to check the price of something go to branches (branch sales) and the price on there is how much u can get for it basically :3

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