Posted by ~ Rowan's Auction House! ~
Scarlet (#182244)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-16 21:24:23

Rowan's Auction House

Hello all to my auction house! Before we begin, there are some rules and notes that I need to get out of the way beforehand.


1. All lions are shown in their personality's pose and don't come posed.

2. Only adolescent and adult lions are sold, however every sale is shown as an adult.

3. All sales will be classified if they're dirty or clean.

1 = 1000


1. Please keep things civil when bidding and don't act sour if your outbid.

2. Don't bid more than what you have at the time (ex: no promising to "paying later", bidding 1000sb when you only have 500sb, etc).

3. Don't delete your bid once it's placed, or back out last moment once your the highest bidder.

4. Payment is required in 48 hours before the win goes to 2nd place.

5. To start a bid state the lion and how much your bid is (ex: "SB on #9").

6. To join into an already on going auction reply to the thread with how much your increasing and the lion (ex: "400sb on #9).

7. All bids end three rollovers (days) from when the starting bid begins.


Rock Salt: 250
Roasted Vulture: 600
Opal Saltlick: 600
Poses (any): 1
Cotton Root Bark: 1
Pennyroyal: 1
Zebra Heart: 2
Black Stallion: 2
Instant Cub Delivery: 2
Vuka Vuka: 3
Chasteberry: 3
Lion Meat: 10
Grain of Paradise: 10
Shamanic Stew: 13
Yohimbe Bark: 20
Angelic Blessing: 20
Buffalo Scrotum: 25
Lion Scrotum: 25
Ochre Saltlick: 40
GMO Cow: auto-buy
Crunchy Worm: auto-buy
Ochre Gnawrock: auto-buy
Mukombero: auto-buy
Mutie on Demand (any): auto-buy
Applicators: depends on applicator
Backgrounds: depends on background

Starting Bid: 100sb
Minimum Increase: 50sb
Auto-Buy: 5000sb or 5gb
Current Bid:

Starting Bid: 100sb
Minimum Increase: 50sb
Auto-Buy: 5000sb or 5gb
Current Bid: 500sb Arywynne

Starting Bid: 100sb
Minimum Increase: 50sb
Auto-Buy: 5000sb or 5gb
Current Bid:

Starting Bid: 100sb
Minimum Increase: 50sb
Auto-Buy: 5000sb or 5gb
Current Bid:

Starting Bid: 100sb
Minimum Increase: 50sb
Auto-Buy: 5000sb or 5gb
Current Bid: 500sb Arywynne

Starting Bid: 100sb
Minimum Increase: 50sb
Auto-Buy: 5000sb or 5gb
Current Bid:

Starting Bid: 100sb
Minimum Increase: 50sb
Auto-Buy: 5000sb or 5gb
Current Bid: 500sb Arywynne

Starting Bid: 100sb
Minimum Increase: 50sb
Auto-Buy: 5000sb or 5gb
Current Bid:

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Edited on 16/09/22 @ 13:59:49 by Scarlet (#182244)

Arywynne (G1 Velvet
Primal) (#300631)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-15 19:50:45
500 SB on 2, 5, and 7!

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