Posted by Appraiser needed, paid job.
Lunar (#308232)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-23 05:12:22
Hello all, very soon I am planning on opening up Eclipse Guild Auction House and it is going to contain a tonne of gorgeous muties, beautiful lions, and rare items. I just have one major problem. I don't know how to price my auction items and I simply do not have the time to learn or do so as I know its a pretty hard process! So in this forum, I am going to be opening up a request for an/a few official Eclipse Guild Auction House Appraiser's who will be getting paid for every lion/item they appraise!

The official appraiser will be getting paid 25 per lion/item they appraise (pretty good for noting down markings eh?) and I will usually ask you to appraise more than 6+ with a WEEK'S time span to do this. I will also sometimes do bulk appraisals (20+) with a longer time frame for you to complete.

You will get paid at the same time that I put up new lions for auctions (info on that in the next paragraph) but if you need more cash you could just shoot me a quick message and ill give you the money for your appraisals early! If you want to discuss a pay increase, then please message me and we will discuss it. If you get the job, you will also get a permanent discount at my auction house for as long as you work with me. You can also go on breaks or quit whenever you wish! If your'e having life problems, have no more time for Lioden, or simply don't want to be an appraiser anymore, you can quit whenever you like. Your health is much more important than the appraisal of my lions lol!

Lions and items are placed for bidding for 7 days starting from Monday and then are finalised after the rollover on Sunday and then completely new lions being put up for auctions on the same day, Monday Lioden time (this is when I pay you). If my lions have not had their starting bid bided then they will be cancelled and either sold or kept. This also means that I will most likely be putting up around 7 lions/items every week so that in case some are not bid on, I will still have plenty left as I will not be adding any in the middle of the week.

That being said, I shall now move onto the appraiser's job. The official Eclipse Appraiser has to give me unbiased pricing on lions and items based off of their base, markings, hidden markings, genetics, eyes, mane type, mane colour, mutation, fertility, stats, age, rarity, etc. They will have to be constantly comparing prices to market ones with lions of similar prices and adjusting as needed and will provide me a list whenever they have finished during the week with what things are worth how much /! I also have a preference of them being in Australian time or close to Australian time so there is more chance of them seeing my request and getting more time to work on it. it is absolutely fine if you aren't near or in that timezone however as its just to help comfortability.

Now for the applications! I want to pick the 'best of the best' appraiser in Lioden, so I shall be creating a mini test for anyone who wants to become the official appraiser! This test is extremely simple and is just giving you a taste of what work you would be doing for me if you get the job! I am going to be posting 3 different lions and you have to appraise all 3 of them and then send it to me through a message. I chose 3 as I think it'll let you know whether or not you actually want to be doing around 6+ appraisals every week.

Please send me a message with the overall price of the lions, and a list containing what about that lion is worth how much money underneath for each lion. This will be the format that the Official Appraiser uses each week as well!

Please do not post your answers in this forum as I do not wish for people to copy from each other as I want to see how you do on your own. I shall close applications in the afternoon on the 30th July (Lioden time) so people have lots of time to appraise and find this forum!

All of this does sound a little overwhelming and possibly scary but I promise i'll be as understanding as I can if anything goes haywire. Good luck to anyone applying for this role!








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Edited on 24/07/22 @ 03:01:19 by Lunar (#308232)

Lunar (#308232)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-23 15:18:33
Thank you to every one who has already sent in some applications~ Im glad this is getting a bit of traction lol!

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Zodieak (#312391)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-25 03:20:17
jJust applied, super excited!

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