Posted by -LOCKED - Hermaphrodites

RodentRoaster | G2
Wicked NRLC (#307968)

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Posted on
2022-07-23 13:24:44
Hello, fine folk.

Hermaphrodites are animals with both female and male parts. This would not be a visual mutations, but instead a mechanical one, like the double uterus. There are a few ways this could work.

Option 1; is that you could decide whether its a hunter/lioness, or a submale. This basically means you get to decide, based on your needs, what role this lion would be. I think it would be the the most fair if you decide ONCE, so you can't bounce back and forth. If you choose to make it a submale, it can't get pregnant, but can become an heir. If you decide to make it a lioness, then it can't get others pregnant, but can get pregnant.

Option 2; All of the lions with this mutation are one gendered.

Option 3; They get a random gender, like all other lions, but can become an heir, hunter, or submale, no matter what.

Please feel free to suggest another way this could work/explain why or why not you don't want this. I think the most important thing is to make the mutation unique, but also not game-breaking.

This suggestion has 3 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/07/22 @ 16:18:32 by MoistSock (#307968)

Posted on
2022-07-23 16:43:47

As this has already been suggested, we will be locking this thread.

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