Posted by Mutie Gifting Thread || 🎉

fishtank (#286099)

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Posted on
2022-07-31 09:35:36


Welcome to the Mutie Gifting Thread! This is a game where you gift the person above you a mutie of their wanting, and you then post your wanted muties for those below you!

- You may not beg or ask for any muties unless you have given one first!
- If you wish to gift a mutie someone didn't ask for, you must message them and see if they will take the mutie!
- Rememeber to always be kind to others, and help guide those who may be confused on the rules.
- Its also important to be patient if you have a mutie that no one wants at the moment, keep watching! Someone will want them eventually!
- No complaining if you have no muties to give or receive.
- Don't request over the top mutated lions (exp. Hybrids, Lethal, Double Uterus) as this will restrict many players to what muties they have available, and further holding up the train.
- You may participate as many times as you wish, but always remember to gift the person above you a mutie of their choosing!
- Gift one person at a time, as this will make it easier for me to track who has given and received a mutie.

I will do my best to monitor all responses to this thread, but I can't ensure that I'll be able to keep up with all the responses



Potatoz #244932
White Sea #245840
♕lemon/sae♕ # 324908
CulTLeadeR #250305
White Sea #245840
Ava #306605
♕lemon/sae♕ (#324908)
Aurora #298985
XxSnythxX #256020
Rat #273081
Acyrule #312856
Fishtank #286099
Axel #94685
Willow #286064
TinyTerror45 #251917
XxSynthxX #256020
White Sea #245840
Sal #318776
Fishtank #286099
Raya #258201



gifted (user above you) (mutie)


my wishlist

-(male, female : dirty, clean : etc..)-

(muties wanted)


(mutie) sent by (player)


                                    INTRO & RULES


Welcome to the Mutie Gifting Thread! This is a game where you gift the person above you a mutie of their wanting, and you then post your wanted muties for those below you!

- You may not beg or ask for any muties unless you have given one first!
- If you wish to gift a mutie someone didn't ask for, you must message them and see if they will take the mutie!
- Rememeber to always be kind to others, and help guide those who may be confused on the rules.
- Its also important to be patient if you have a mutie that no one wants at the moment, keep watching! Someone will want them eventually!
- No complaining if you have no muties to give or receive.
- Don't request over the top mutated lions (exp. Hybrids, Lethal, Double Uterus) as this will restrict many players to what muties they have available, and further holding up the train.
- You may participate as many times as you wish, but always remember to gift the person above you a mutie of their choosing!
- Gift one person at a time, as this will make it easier for me to track who has given and received a mutie.

I will do my best to monitor all responses to this thread, but I can't ensure that I'll be able to keep up with all the responses


White Sea #245840
Jade #278809
Tykki Mikk #92976


Potatoz #244932
White Sea #245840
♕lemon/sae♕ # 324908
CulTLeadeR #250305
White Sea #245840
Ava #306605
♕lemon/sae♕ (#324908)
Aurora #298985
XxSnythxX #256020
Rat #273081
Acyrule #312856
Fishtank #286099
Axel #94685
Willow #286064
TinyTerror45 #251917
XxSynthxX #256020
White Sea #245840
Sal #318776
Fishtank #286099
Raya #258201



gifted (user above you) (mutie)


my wishlist

-(male, female : dirty, clean : etc..)-

(muties wanted)


(mutie) sent by (player)


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Edited on 26/08/22 @ 19:23:30 by fishtank (#286099)

fishtank (#286099)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-31 09:37:44

my wishlist

-female, clean or dirty, preferred adolescent, but will take young adult-
willing to look at other muties!

patches striped
patches rift
piebald withered
piebald daedal
piebald svelte
overgrown tongue
overgrown claws
folded ears
primal smiles
primal felis
primal ferus


Uneven Patches sent by White Sea #245840

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Edited on 05/08/22 @ 18:10:42 by fishtank (#286099)

Milo (#310839)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-07-31 11:19:30
I'm swapping my potato primal for any pretty mutie I love dwarfs I hope to get a pretty pie or just a pretty mutie in genral
{has not recived any thing yet}

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Edited on 31/07/22 @ 11:24:12 by Milo (#310839)

Luci (#318776)

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Posted on
2022-07-31 11:22:47
my wishlist

-(female : dirty or clean idrc)-

(muties wanted)
Primal tooth

(mutie) sent by (player)

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fishtank (#286099)

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Posted on
2022-07-31 15:37:00
hi! so you guys need to gift someone before you can ask for a mutie! hence why its called a gifting thread, you gift the person above you, and then youre gifted a mutie!

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White Sea (#245840)

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Posted on
2022-07-31 15:55:45
My wishlist:
Any kind of female rosette however preferably NHR/MR/AHR.
Also I’d prefer the rosette to not be a Mutie.
(Clean or dirty I’m not picky/Pretty ig?/ and if possible could she be an adolescent?)

I sent a mutie to #318776 (Sal)
I also sent a mutie to #286099 (Fishtank)

Muties wanted;
Any kind of pie/patches
Any kind of female AMP
Overgrown teeth
Overgrown tongue

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Edited on 31/07/22 @ 16:12:18 by White Sea (#245840)

-𓀰 (#258201)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-01 06:32:12
My wishlist:

- female, clean or dirty, preferred adolescent, but will take young adult

Any primal variant
Bobbed tail

Sent a Mottled Rosette cub to White Sea


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Edited on 01/08/22 @ 08:35:06 by Raya (#258201)

XxSynthxX G4 x3
scoundrel (#256020)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-01 07:03:33
Sending piebald(echo)! To Raya (Checked before sending)

Will not except lions with inbreeding in their heritage please also no bobbed tail or AMP other than DU or OG fur

Clean female primal[Variant not the default]
Patches/piebald [deadal, torn, uneven, dorsal] mssg me for others pls
Anything passible really, other than the unwanted listed
Dwarf or hybrid(highly unlikely lol but a girl can dream)


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Edited on 01/08/22 @ 10:08:45 by XxSnythxX (#256020)

TinyTerror45 (#251917)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-08-01 08:34:47
Sending patches adol to XxSnythxX!!

Im not very picky, though I do really like darker colored lions!! As well as really cool looking lions with interesting markings. I do prefer females, but wouldn’t be mad if given a male. Currently on the search for one with Ankh base!!

Muties wanted:
Any patches
Any primal (if given a felis I will love you for eternity )
Folded ear
Imperial and Noble mane
Dwarf (I currently need a new Dwarf as my current one is close to retiring :,) )


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Milo (#310839)

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Posted on
2022-08-02 00:45:07
I'm swapping my potato primal for any pretty mutie I love dwarfs I hope to get a pretty pie or just a pretty mutie in general
re posting because no buddy saw mine :C
{still ungifted}

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fishtank (#286099)

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Posted on
2022-08-02 05:26:31
Milo did you gift anyone?

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Ashton :3 (#286064)

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Posted on
2022-08-05 06:45:59
gifted TinyTerror a Charred patches!


my wishlist

I would love u for eternity if I was gifted a dwarf lmao.
I also would be happy with
Achromia, Melanism, Foldies, Polycaudal, and lastly mane whiskered.
Dirty or clean dont matter but i do prefer a female.


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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 06:20:46 by Willow (#286064)

☆Rauru☆ (#304660)

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Posted on
2022-08-06 17:13:43
My wishlist:

{Darker colored males, MUST BE CLEAN!}

|Muties wanted|

Primals! (All and any.)
Piebalds (Mainly the black colored ones but white can do too.)


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fishtank (#286099)

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Posted on
2022-08-06 17:17:18
You need to gift the person above you.

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Axel (#94685)

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Posted on
2022-08-06 18:00:35
gifted: Willow a posed Achromia, asking Korfus about a primal cubbin they may like.

My wishlist:
Would prefer clean, but it doesn't really matter
Colorbomb females
Colorbomb Katanga maned males
Pretty cinnabar ladies

Muties wanted:
Katanga maned male Achromia
Patches(Uneven) lionesses
Cinnabar muties. Any.

[Gifted by Fishtank!]

(mutie) sent by (player)

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Edited on 06/08/22 @ 18:04:32 by Axel (#94685)

fishtank (#286099)

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Posted on
2022-08-06 18:05:11
Gifted Axel #94685 a Patches (Uneven) female adolescent


my wishlist

-female, clean or dirty, preferred adolescent, but will take young adult-
willing to look at other muties!

patches striped
patches rift
piebald withered
piebald daedal
piebald svelte
overgrown tongue
overgrown claws
folded ears
primal smiles
primal felis
primal ferus


(Mutie) sent by (player)

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