Posted by Witchy Halloween Decor Ideas

♡ stella v.2 (#185506)

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Posted on
2022-08-02 22:42:44
I noticed that the Witchcraft option for this weeks poll (October Event decor themes) is very much in the lead, and as a part of the Witchy community here on Lioden, I wanted to offer up some suggestions for decor ideas for it!

- Crystals. This is a pretty big Modern-Day Witch staple, I feel. Most witches I know have crystals. Maybe in the form of rocky decors or even jewelry!
- Alters/Pendulums. A crystal pendulum hanging out of our lions mouth would be adorable tbh.
- Mushrooms. I just… really need more mushroom decors. Please.
- Herbs/Spices! Bundles, wild growth, that sort! Maybe this’d fit better with November event but either way it’d be cool!
- Candles. Candles would be really cool, too. Idk how that’d work for lions but this isn’t really a game known for its realism lmao. Different colors of candles would be great, but it’s well-known that white candles are a substitute for any other color.
- Summoning circles! Casting a circle for protection before spell work is BIG so having a salt circle or other type of circle around our lions would be neat!

I’d also love to see Tarot Cards but that may not work too well with lions in general.

I may be missing some things so if anyone has any suggestions let me know and I’ll add them!

This suggestion has 11 supports and 0 NO supports.

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‍⬛ (#124362)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-10-08 14:08:00
Support! I would love to see candles as a decor. Tarot cards would also be pretty neat as well.

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