Posted by Offers on Clean F Interstellar Base Primal!
Roseqalaxy (#100383)

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2022-08-03 12:47:01
I'm short on currency and considering offers on this gal:
She has just aged up and is clean. I'm not quite sure what to price her at but I'd say at least around 25 GB as interstellar lionesses go for around 25 GB and she's primal as well. Offer away!

Priority is pure currency, whether it be GB or SB, but I'll also accept:
-Pretty/rare/mutie lions/lionesses
-(Multiple) free studdings
-Marking Remover: 1
-Giant Tortoise: 1
-Marking Opacity Changer: 2
-Instant Cub Delivery: 2
-Zebra hearts: 2
-Lion meat: 6
-Yohimbe bark: 18
-Lion scrotum: 19
-Buffalo scrotum: 23
-Crunchy worm: 50
-Ochre Gnawrock: 55
-GMO cow: 82
-Mukombero: 300

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Edited on 04/08/22 @ 07:00:26 by Roseqalaxy (#100383)

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