Posted by Free explore incounter!

Lily (#281258)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-04 23:27:32
So, I'm pretty bored and I saw someone else do this so I thought, why not?
Free for common,
50sb for rare
60sb for legendary
50sb to pick what you give to them
50sb for a specific emotion, thing and lion


A proud male struts up to you," mate! Ya fello tabbaco si yellow" He laughs, a little crazy and runs off, he leaves a rock behind
+ 1 Rainbow stones

A weird, sorta deformed lioness with two tail stalks you "Are, are you *NAME* C-can I have your autograph? " you look at her confused, whats an autograph? She gasps, "I have to go! Sorry" she runs off. RUDE!
+ 5 impression + 500 exp

You approach a stream, to lap the cool water when you notice a flash of black in the grass, its a lioness! She had weird splotches of black on her, "Hello?" She notices you and panicks. She quickly darts away, leaving a trampled white snake on the grass.
Option: Take it in + 10 karma + albino snake decor + 5 impression
Option: Kill it - 10 karma + albino snake skin + 1 white snake scale

Please be patient as I work and won't always be here

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Lily (#281258)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-04 23:37:43
Here's mine!

You lap the water at the watering hole peacefully when a young male lion with weird white patches walks up to you "Mate, mama said ya a bugger lug si? My names Pecan pie, I think I've eating too much that I'm gonna go crazy! Watch out! I'm gonna vomit!" He then vomits all over the water. Uh oh. Soon the pugent smell reaches all the animals noses and they're not very happy. "RUN PECAN RUN!" You pull him by the scruff and drag him away from the stampede.
-10 energy + 10 exp
low chance of recieving stampede background
Low chance of recieving vomiting piebald male
Extremly low chance of recieving, applicator, vomit green back

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Edited on 04/08/22 @ 23:38:47 by Lily (#281258)

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