Posted by Selling Lions

3gg0 (#254450)

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Posted on
2022-08-06 07:28:57


I have a bunch of lions I'm looking to get off my hands! Most of them are fodder, but there are a few stand-out few who I think are pretty nice :)

If they aren't up for trade, just make an offer on them, most of the time I forget to put cubs and lionesses up for trade. I'm pretty willing to haggle with prices, as long as it's reasonable!

Here's a few of the stand-outs from the cave(I think I made them clickable?), as well as the cave link :D

Stand Outs

Male Smog Adol!

3000sb or 3gb on tc, open to offers!

High Opacity Heavy Rosette Adol

3000sb or 3gb on tc, open to offers!

No special bases or anything, I just think she's pretty :)

no price on her yet, open to offers!!

This adol just has cool stripes tbh

150 on tc

The cave with the rest of the gang! feel free to offer on any :D

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Edited on 07/08/22 @ 06:47:56 by 3gg0 (#254450)

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