Posted by Selling pie heir! (Offer)

Una (#294182)

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Posted on
2022-08-06 07:53:07

Here she is! This beauty was just born TODAY so I want to get offers in before she gets too old for anyone to work with.
She is obviously sex changable, and she has a rma exclusive marking (ghost feralis?).

Looking for offers worth 10gb or over. She is a gen 4 piebald scattered on miyos side (idk about rubins side) and should be clean in her short term history! (Is dirty in long term history)

- scrotums
- Piebalds (females only)
- gb
- Marking apps
- Overtrades (??)

Not accepting other heirs

Accepting 10gb or over in gb or items

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Edited on 06/08/22 @ 12:00:24 by Sugar (#294182)

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