Posted by Gail's Adoptions

Gail.Lays (#169274)

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Posted on
2022-08-09 17:07:04

Gail's Adoptions

Heyo! Just comin here to make a simple post letting people know that oh hey, you're free to take almost any cub!

Okokok I do need to explain a bit since you can't just go picking any cub whatsoever. Instead,

If you go to my profile, I am likely to have a BUNCH of cubs labeled as A, Abandoned, or something to let you know I'll be abandoning them. THESE cubs are free for any reason. You can take them for fodder or cuz you want them in your pride. I will note that I'd PREFER if you can keep them alive but honestly? It's no way in my control so I can't control anything you do with them. I'd get rid of them in the end so whatever

These cubs can come from this account or from my alts account. This account AKA my main has a dirty king while my side is completely clean. Take this in mind for the cubs.

I will note that USUALLY these cubs don't have mutations and usually come from NCL or the occasional chased. When they DO have mutations, it's just unlikely I'll abandon them. At the time of making this post, there are currently a few cubs labeled as A that have primal fangs and are females(Which does mean they cannot pass it). Over time, I'll try and update how many cubs that're labeled as A are mutated. (Update: Both cubs were claimed)

At this moment, there are 0 mutated cubs for adoption.

When you ask to adopt them, PLEASE like their profile!!! I will take your tag and/or account and put them in the BIO or footnote for the cub so as soon as they reach 5 months, I can send them over.

ALSO BTW, If I have cubs that AREN'T free and I say I'm going to sell them, you can preclaim them! Just look to see their price. When they're 5 months, I'll send you a message or get into contact with you to let you know. If payment isn't given within 3-5 days, I will post them publicly. or get into contact with someone else who may've wanted them.

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Edited on 10/08/22 @ 15:54:00 by Gail.Lays (#169274)

Gail.Lays (#169274)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-10 15:54:18
New cubs were born on my alt! No muts

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