Posted by Energy Consumption Change

llar] (#301200)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-08-10 20:08:38
I've been getting a little miffed lately that I seem to run through energy so fast... it seems like there's a higher chance to take 3% energy than 2% or 1% (plus with the wildfires sometimes taking 10% it doesn't help), so I've been thinking... what if ALL explore steps only took 1% energy? You could get a lot more exploring done that way.

Now yes, it will have a big effect on the game, so I've thought of a few ideas on how to balance it out.
- Energy restoration events could have a lower chance of happening
- Energy restoration events could restore less energy than before
- If hunger is at or below a certain amount, each step can take 2% or 3% energy. If your hunger is full, it's always 1%

What do you guys think? Let me know if this is a good idea or not, or if you have other ideas on how to balance out 1% energy per step!

This suggestion has 7 supports and 22 NO supports.

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|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2022-08-11 14:09:44
I do not support the idea because 1% energy per step would mean a LOT more event currency you can gain in one exploration, it would take a lot longer to explore, and it's already balanced as it is.
I started exploring with 59% energy (sorry it wasnt a full bar)
This does not include any fights in it, as I avoided those just for this study.
1% wasted- 9
2% wasted- 11
3% wasted- 11
Event encounter that takes energy- 0
Times I wasted energy by doing an action- 1
Times I received energy- 6 (most of which was only +2 which is pretty low as it is)
Those numbers are pretty balanced as it is and the -10% event encounter is something that only happens during certain months so it isnt all year around either. I like the idea of every step being between 1-3% energy because it makes sense to me. certain things happen that cost more energy, like running into an enemy, tripping over something, ect. And it gives a feel that the area isnt just a flat landscape, but actual terrain with dips, holes, raises, and more.

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Dier ~ G1 7K
Harlequin x8 Ros (#80015)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-08-15 07:55:36
I also like the slight bit of excitement when you get down to, say, 3% energy and you don't know if you'll get an extra step. Plus, I think we need to remember that this would effectively double the amount of energy we have generally, which would start negating items like roastie lambs, red bulls, energy boosts, etc - impacting the game as invariably Lioden needs players to spend GB to support it.

I'd love more free energy, but I think this is overpowered to have all steps be 1 energy. However, one thing I would propose is to have the lower level areas be more likely to be 1 energy compared to higher level areas.

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