Posted by MMR Shelter Relief!!

Lizzie|G3 Ra
Harlequin<3 (#133606)

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Posted on
2022-08-11 19:34:46

aRbMyvF.pngMMR Shelter!!

Some Background

Hey yall, so my name is Lizzie (they/them) and I run the MMR clan (Moonlite Mannor Rescue). You can find more info {HERE}. Ive saw alot of shelters being a bit overrun and at the moment I can take in quite a few babes, so I decided if you have any lovelies you wanna get rid of I can take them in and either keep or use towards the clan!

"The FIne Print"

When I get lions most the time they are colorbombs, however as long as they have at least 3 markings I can guarantee they will be kept or put towards my clan. If you desperately need to get rid of potatoes I aim for negative karma and can "exterminate" them for free!

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Edited on 11/08/22 @ 19:37:26 by Lizzie da Lizzard<3 (#133606)

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