Posted by Gems for Dust

Baron60 (#145180)

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Posted on
2022-08-12 19:29:23
Looking for the following dusts/applicators:

Rough Ruby
Star Ruby
Fire Opal
Cat's Eye
Moss Agate

Offering any combo of x50 of the following stones:

x6 Amethyst
x1 Bloodstone
x2 Carnelian
x5 Cat's Eye
x15 Celestite
x1 Dioptase
x2 Fire Opal
x2 Garnet
x4 Hematite
x9 Howlite
x19 Jasper
x10 Labradorite
x10 Meteorite
x17 Moonstone
x6 Moss Agate
x5 Nuummite
x15 Peridot
x4 Rhodonite
x6 Rough Opal
x3 Rough Ruby
x3 Sparkling Opal
x19 Star Ruby
x3 Tanzanite

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