Posted by Wanted: Bulk junk/crafting

Blu - β˜† g3
Colourbomb β˜† (#246992)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 14:15:17
I like collecting stuff and love crafted decor,, so basically I'll give you offers for bulk unwanted items!! I just want tons of junk I don't really care what kind but explore decor is particularly wanted :3 (I'll buy stuff with SB or maybe GB for extreme bulk, I have plenty beetles to trade!!)

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🎸 strings πŸ’€ (#231941)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 15:41:04
I have a bunch of random stuff in my hoard, want me to list it out for you?

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Blu - β˜† g3
Colourbomb β˜† (#246992)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 15:52:52
Yeah that would be great!

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🎸 strings πŸ’€ (#231941)

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Posted on
2022-08-13 18:16:04

- 12x Abandoned Nest
- 6x African Cucumber
- 46x Aloe Leaf
- 10x Archer's Buzzard Feather
- 1x Barn Own Feather
- 32x Bloodbath
- 5x Blue Diadem Caterpillar
- 1x Blue Skimmer
- 3x Bottle
- 8x Broken Camera
- 1x Buchu
- 3x Cape Eagle Owl Feather
- 1x Caracal Skull
- 4x Carcass
- 1x Carpenter Bee [1]
- 3x Catnip
- 1x Cheetah Skin
- 13x Cheetah Skull
- 2x Coffee Locust [1]
- 8x Comet Shard
- 2x Cow Skull
- 1x Cracked Egg
- 1x Crane Feather
- 6x Crocodile Scales
- 2x Dream Root
- 3x Dried Ferns
- 1x Egyptian Goose Feather
- 4x Flamingo Feather
- 3x Amethyst
- 5x Bloodstone
- 4x Carnelian
- 7x Cat's Eye
- 14x Celestite
- 3x Dioptase
- 7x Garnet
- 1x Hematite
- 1x Howlite
- 10x Jasper
- 4x Kunzite
- 7x Labradorite
- 9x Meteorite
- 8x Moonstone
- 2x Moss Agate
- 9x Nuummite
- 7x Peridot
- 3x Rhodonite
- 7x Rough Opal
- 3x Rough Ruby
- 1x Sparkling Opal
- 13x Star Ruby
- 2x Tanzanite
- 1x Giant Pouched Rat
- 3x Giant Stick Insect
- 5x Glossy Ibis Feather
- 1x Grass Owl Feather
- 1x Grey Crowned Crane Feather
- 2x Honey Bush
- 1x Hoopoe Feather
- 2x Hornbill Feather
- 2x Hyena Lands
- 1x Hyrax Fur
- 1x Hyrax Skull
- 1x Iboga Root
- 1x Impala Horn
- 2x Imphepho
- 5x Jacana Leg
- 3x Kingfisher Feather
- 12x Large Leaves
- 14x Large Rock
- 14x Lion Skull
- 2x Lion's Tooth
- 1x Little Owl Feather
- 3x Marsh Owl Feather
- 3x Marula Fruit
- 4x Meerkat Skull
- 1x Moonlight
- 2x Muddy Feather
- 12x Murex Shells
- 5x Nightjar Feather
- 2x Nut Grass
- 2x Ostrich Feather
- 1x Pangolin Scale
- 118x Phantom Quartz
- 9x Porcupine Quills
- 37x Prismatic Scale
- 8x Purple Starling
- 7x Rainbow Stones
- 2x Rat Skull
- 5x Rawhide
- 8x Rock
- 7x Sacred Ibis Feather
- 1x Scar: Muzzle
- 1x Scar: Nose Scratch
- 2x Senegal Feather
- 1x Shard of Evil
- 9x Shining Drongo Feather
- 12x Black Rock
- 11x Green Rock
- 9x Orange Rock
- 5x Red Rock
- 32x Shiny Stones
- 7x Teal Rock
- 22x White Rock
- 4x Shoebill Feather
- 8x Snake Scent
- 108x Space Rock
- 7x Spoonbill Feather
- 5x Stag Beetle [1]
- 1x Striped Hyena Skull
- 61x Stripped Cacti
- 1x Umganu
- 10x Underbrush
- 8x Uvuma-Omhlope
- 10x Uzara
- 2x Vulture Feather
- 10x Vulturine Guineafowl Feather
- 71x Water Root
- 9x White Lion Pelt

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Blu - β˜† g3
Colourbomb β˜† (#246992)

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Posted on
2022-08-14 05:08:41
What would you price the stacks of:
African cucumbers
Archers buzzard feathers
Broken cameras
7x cheetah skulls
Hyena lands
Shiny stones
20x stripped cactus
20x water root
Rat skulls
Meerkat skulls
x5 Large leaves
Jacana legs
That's a lot so maybe 1 or 2 GB would be a decent price?

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🎸 strings πŸ’€ (#231941)

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Posted on
2022-08-14 05:09:33
Sure, that sounds like a fair price to me!

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Blu - β˜† g3
Colourbomb β˜† (#246992)

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Posted on
2022-08-14 05:13:58
Can you set up a private trade with em :D (also 1 or 2 GB)

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🎸 strings πŸ’€ (#231941)

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Posted on
2022-08-14 05:17:55
Either's fine!

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Blu - β˜† g3
Colourbomb β˜† (#246992)

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Posted on
2022-08-14 05:20:58
I'll pay 1GB 500SB to be in the middle!

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alyson πŸ•·οΈ G1
ice panda (#282048)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-08-15 15:27:40
heres some craftables i have in bulk:

35x shiny teal rocks
19x shiny orange rocks
25x shiny green rocks
16x shiny black rocks
37x stripped cacti
55x water root
9x jacana leg
25x hyena lands
6x bottles
32x african cucumber
51x aloe leaf
around 57 of the fancy mice total

and on my side:

11x bloodbath
7x hyrax skulls
4x giant pouched rats
4x snake skin - dark
20x shiny white rock
12x bottles
38x large leaves
29x large rocks

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