Posted by Jenna’s Lion Sales - Colorbombs & Muties

Jenna (#252681)

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Posted on
2022-08-20 15:28:56

dh7yyZh.pngJenna’s Lion SalesHey and welcome to my lion sales thread! I mostly breed and sell clean lions but will occasionally have those with a dirty heritage. Thread will be updated regularly
How It Works
• Once you find a lion that you like comment down below or PM with their number and or link.

• Each one will have a price attached to them - this is negotiable and non-low ball offers will be considered!

• Once a price is agreed upon I will set up a private trade.
1. Please be respectful!

2. Low-balls will not be accepted (I.e., a lion is worth 1 GB and you offer 50 SB)

3. If a private trade is not accepted within 24 hours and I don’t hear from you the lion(s) will be put back on the sales floor.

4. I will hold lions for you if you need to save up - don’t be afraid to ask!

5. If you want a cub that’s less than 5 months old I will reserve them for you.
Items I Accept Instead Of Currency
• RMA = 1
• Any Pose = 1
• Marking Opacity Changer = 1
• Marking Removers = 1
Wishlist Items = PM me!

Mutated Adults/Cubs
Cubs - Under 5 Months Will Be Reserved
html layout by honey (#32043). do not remove credit.
pixel roses by alyssdream on deviantart.

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Edited on 21/09/22 @ 10:48:47 by Jenna (#252681)

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