Posted by Need Advice on a Project
Kry [G1 Primal MRLR] (#286017)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2022-08-21 18:02:58
I'm getting a lot more into this game, and understanding a lot more about it, but I'm having to make a decision that I'm not sure I'm ready to make yet.

I want to make sure that what I'm thinking I can do, is actually possible.

Currently, I play both my accounts side by side for maximum rewards, but after doing some math, I think I want to only play my main and keep my side frozen, and when my main is ready to retire, unfreeze my side to play there.

Here's my thought process:
First off, dates to keep in mind: October 16th and March 9th (my main's retire days for current and next). October 20th and March 13th for my side king. (approximately, it's kinda hard to do the math for me because I'm from Australia so it's really probably a day less or more for lioden... but anyway)

Plan is to start with double Primal kings (I was thinking pie/patches, but something about primal breeding is a bit more appealing to me than pies/patches but this is subject to change).

Main would be 3y/o unfrozen and playable
Side would be 3y/o frozen and unplayable (also empty of all hoard + lions etc)

Main would have all the lions I want to breed, collected teardrops (again, subject to change as I am still kind of interested in hexaplex but I'm not sure I wanna stick with it or try another combo base or just a special base), and anything that I can get my hands on basically that I wanna breed or w/e right.
Any ferus female cubs I get, I would send to my frozen account (whether its when they are 2y/o or cub I'm not 100% sure on that yet), every other cub would be sold (most likely).
I'm almost thinking I send them when they are cubs just because theres more storage then and if I change my mind I don't need to unfreeze to make room or w/e for adults etc)

When my main would be ready to retire (probably at 14 y/o for buffer to find a replacement on side or something idk), I would then send everything over to alt account (hoard/currency/etc but probs not lions unless I'm gonna sell them or something).

Repeat the process on my side, sending cubs I wanna keep (ferus / good looking cubs) to my main, selling everything else.

Now, I don't want to have any inbreeding happen, so I would need to find an unrelated primal heir for both that is young enough to start at 3y/o.

First Question: Is this do-able?
Second Question: Is this too crazy to do??
Third: Do do it in October? Or do I wait for March?

Statement: My main is Labradorite = combo factor for hexaplex, my side is Ubaste = can produce teardrops with Cream Lighter/Light Cream NCLs, as well as some others etc.
Do I actually just start this on my Side first? With main frozen? So that way I actually can send teardrop + ferus cubs over to main? (I mean it would suck if I literally never produced any ferus cubs and then it would be useless LOL at least teardrops are a backup for hexaplex breeding)

Fourth Question: Keeping my king's appearance and using an heir with primal mutation gives my king the mutation (and whatever the cub's heritage is) while keeping my king's base/markings etc? Just to double check?
W/o MOD: Primal, is there a way to get entirely heritageless? Or the best I can do is a gen 2 primal?

Thanks for any input, and don't be hesitant to say I'm absolutely insane. Also poke holes in my project such as possible inbreeding, etc.

I think the toughest thing for me is trying to figure out how to make my king(s) more appealing marking wise... Should I be on the lookout for replacement heirs w/ the right combo factor bases with good markings? Rather than keeping my own kings appearance every time?

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