Posted by Looking for a pretty lioness!

Twinklellama (#287510)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2022-08-24 23:00:56
So I’ve been looking for a pretty lion preferably a rosette (especially red rosette/red color scene) but any pretty lioness could work (prefer a clean lioness, max 7 years old)
I’m not the best at pricing, but I want the max to be 3,500 SB or 3GB (I don’t have it rn but can get it in a few days (just wanna see what I can find (: ) ) Is that a reasonable price? I can pay extra if it’s a primal fangs or overgrown fur (not really sure they’re worth so if someone could inform me 😅)

Let me know if you hv a pretty lioness for trade!
Thank you!

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