Posted by Lion Sale

AL2022 (#273671)

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Posted on
2022-08-25 17:34:08
I have several lions for sale, minimum price of some lions will be 100SB, maximum price for some lions will be 300SB. Feel free to go to the "KhanJudgement Cave" on my den page thats where the lions for sale are so you can get a look at them, I dont know how to display them on here, Sorry. Just incase you visit my other caves, and see any lions that may interest you, chat me up so that I can consider their price/sale. You can suggest price's for the lions because I'm not so good at pricing stuff. I'll add more lions at time goes on. ThankYou 😊

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Edited on 25/08/22 @ 18:38:02 by AL2022 (#273671)

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