Posted by Scarlet's Meowers (Auction/Buyouts)

Scarlet (#338260)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-08-27 03:26:56
I recently joined and I'm not sure about the quality of most lions. If I'm underselling or overselling, please let me know! When these age up, I'll send them via trade.

Dark Golden | 4-Markings | CLEAN | Female (Goddess Fertility) | G2

Price: 50SB

Sunflower | 8-Markings | CLEAN | Female (High Fertility) | G2

Price: 50SB

Deep Fawn | 6-Markings | CLEAN | Male | ?

Price: 30SB

Sunflower | 3-Markings | CLEAN | Female (Average Fertility) | ?

Price: 35SB

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Edited on 27/08/22 @ 03:28:17 by Scarlet (#338260)

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