Posted by ●•The Land of Griffith•●

Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-01 09:13:34


During your daily patrols you come across a large mountain lined with steep cliffs, jagged paths and the odd cave littered with shell and scraps of food. Curious but cautious, you begin to sniff around and are shocked to find two scents combined—feline and bird! Not only that, but you begin to hear screeching and crowing from somewhere nearby.

With a thoughtful look around, you crouch low, creeping between the boulders and through the grass, only to see one of the most unusual sights you have ever witnessed. It has a lion's body, but with the wings, feathers and head of some very large bird, playing with a particularly confused hedgehog and having the time of it's life. One snuffle confirms it was what you smelled, and it doesn't take long to realize to realize this creature is no threat to you. Actually, its sort of adorable, feathers rising into a tall crest when excited and pausing to preen itself after a strong wind ruffles its wings. Perhaps a few would be willing to join your pride and play with the other young cubs.

Do you dare approach?

More of a dragon person? I have another shop Here!


●Do not steal or take credit for my art●

○Do not resell, trade or give it away, return what you dont want○

●No refunds●

○Holds last three irl days○

●Credit me via my Lioden account●

○You are allowed to use these as rp character references or story characters○

●Fanart is allowed (and I love to see it!!!). Tracing and trading is not.●

○No purchase limit so long as Griffins are available in that area○

●Payment first, then the Griffin/Item●

○Have fun! :)○

Note: Poses are random unless the Pose Changer is bought and applied!

•●•Payment Options•●•


1 GB = 1000 SB

Any Oasis item will count for its Oasis price

Apps will count for their current lowest Branch price

Any Expression or Pose will count for 1 GB each, except for Jolly

Any Wing (top or bottom) Decor couns for 2 GB each




●Twisted Beak

●Inverted Griffin

●Angel Wing


Rolling Hills

The damp grass tickles underfoot, paired with a cool breeze. Many young griffins frolic and play here, perhaps you'll catch their eye?

Possible Colors: Any
Marking Type: None
Mutation Chance: 1%
Search For Random Griffin: 500sb
Call A Specific Color Griffin: 600sb
Number of Griffins Playing: 21


Warm sand shifts beneath your feet and the salty air teases at your nose. Griffins splash and play in and above the water, feathers shining in the hot sun. Perhaps you'll catch their eye?

Possible Colors: Black, White, Gray
Marking Type: Faded Markings
Mutation Chance: 5%
Search For Random Griffin: 900sb
Call A Specific Color Griffin:* 1000sb
Number of Griffins Playing: 3

*can call any of the colors listed for this Zone

Endless Fields

The dry grass crunches underfoot, warm air full of insects that are quickly being snatched up by young griffins. They fly and dive gleefully, doing tricks in the air. Perhaps you'll catch their eye?

Possible Colors: Brown, Black, Gray, White, Tan
Marking Type: Faded Markings, Natural Markings
Mutation Chance: 10%
Search For Random Griffin: 1000sb
Call A Specific Color Griffin:* 1gb
Number of Griffins Playing: 5

*can call any of the colors listed for this Zone

Lush Jungle

Possible Colors: Any
Marking Type: Faded Markings, Natural Markings, Exotic Markings
Mutation Chance: 15%
Search For Random Griffin:1gb
Call A Specific Color Griffin: 2gb
Number of Griffins Playing: 3


Dusk's Deals

High in the treetops, the leaves rustle and shake. A dark figure sits among them, wings inky and glossy, fur like the night. Gold and jewels dot the space between her claws, and she eyes you with a smirk.

"Well, look at you! You're so......dull. You could use a bit of shine to you." She speaks slowly, with a careless air about her as she looks you over. "I may have a few things to spare.....of course, I don't do anything for free. Pay me in shiny objects and I may very well be able to help you out....."


Each purchase can be applied to any one (1) Griffin you own

Color Variants
(If stated that they are included, note which you want apon purchase. Color varients are to choose the color of an item purchase, not change your griffin, and they do not cost extra!)

Golden Jewelry
(Color varients included)
Price: 200sb

Synthetic Feathers
Idea by Olive
(Color varients included)
Price: 200sb

War Paint—Valor
(No color variation)
Price: 300sb

War Paint—Chivalry
(No color variation)
Price: 300sb

Pose Changer
Price: 500sb

Azul's Dyes

"Hello!" A cheerful voice chirps and you look around, only to be assaulted by the brightest colors you've ever seen, and an even brighter smile.

"Hi! I'm Azul!" He says brightly. "Oooooooohhhh!! You're so pretty!! I can't imagine you're wanting a new look—you can't improve in perfection!—but if you are, I may have something! Colors! Patterns! All the pizazz!!! If you're interested of course. Or we can just chat!" :D


Each purchase can be applied to any one (1) Griffin you own


None yet

None yet


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Edited on 21/10/22 @ 13:27:28 by Andalite (Clean Frail Pie) (#206060)

Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-01 09:13:46
Saving this first page to add markings lists later—

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Szafa (#233845)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-01 09:35:25
Can I have 1 griffin from "Rolling hills"? With a playful pose? I'll be paying with 1 GB

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-01 09:38:39
Absolutely! Send payment and I'll call the Griffin! ^-^

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-01 09:40:18

There is a squeal of delight from nearby and a pair of wrestling griffins roll into your path. They look up at you in surprise, and one runs away. The other stays to challenge you—gutsy move!


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Szafa (#233845)

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Posted on
2022-09-01 09:48:44
Awwww, it's adorable <3 Can I have another one? This time, with a quiet pose? ^^

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-01 09:49:33
Absolutely! :D

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-01 09:53:14
Something nudges your leg from behind gently and you turn, thinking its a small squirrel. Turns out its a griffin, head ducked and asking if it can come see your pride.


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Olive (#227545)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-09-01 11:31:30
Hi! I would love to get a griffin from the rolling hills! For 500 sb!

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-01 11:32:09

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-01 11:38:37

A griffin is sprawled lazily on the ground, watching the clouds as its tail thumps rhythmically. Eventually it tells you to just hurry up and invite it to your pride already—it doesn't have all day!


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Olive (#227545)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-09-01 11:40:19
Thank you so much!

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-01 11:41:03
You're very welcome! ^-^

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Mizuki's Main (#95941)

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Posted on
2022-09-01 13:58:49
Can I get a random Griffin from rolling Hills?

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-01 13:59:46
Absolutely! ^-^

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Andalite (Clean Lab) (#206060)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-01 14:03:59
Feathers huddle at your leg in a curled up little ball. You look down at it and it blinks back with wide, shining, innocent eyes. It rests its fluffy head against you. You are a pillow now, this is your life. Accept it.


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