Posted by Changes for Future(?) Wardrobe Contests

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2022-09-02 20:25:58
Not sure if this is the correct Game Development subcategory, but I'll switch if it needed. Also not sure if anything like this was posted yet, but I didn't see any!

First of all, I LOVE Wardrobe contests! I was stoked to participate in the recent series of contests, designing a scene that describes each month. I'd definitely be happy to see more things like this in the future! There are a couple of changes I'd like to see, however.

Minor QoL (quality of life) changes:
- After submitting a vote, return to the same page of entries you were on. As of making this post, I have made 5 (FIVE) votes for September, and haven't really made time to finish my voting since it's tedious to go back to, say, page 18, when you start over again at 1 and have to click page 7, 9, 11, etc. all the way up to 18. It's annoying. I sometimes forget to look at what page I'm on before I vote as well, so I have to guess at which page it was.
- uhh TBA, I forgot lol

Other changes:
- Anonymous entries during voting stage. I don't really have friends on this game, as in people I know and regularly talk to - either within Lioden or outside of it - so I wouldn't look for any specific player's entries. Obviously I am not really in a position to assume, but I figure that with the community's interconnectedness, some players might look for their friends' entries of their own accord. Asking for other players to vote for your entries wasn't allowed, but that doesn't stop people from doing it themselves of course!
- Limit to 1 wardrobe contest, but have one every month or every 2 weeks, etc. I was burnt out halfway through because I just don't have enough time or brain juice to make so many different designs at the same time. I wanted to create one design per month on both of my accounts to increase my chances of winning, but never got around to making more than 7 designs total. That's kind of on me cause I got lazy lol, but still!
- Instead of 5 votes for all 200-500 entries per contest, give us 1 vote per 10 or 20 or 50 entries. Personally, I tend to be a strange type of vote hoarder that tosses away their first few votes on the first few pretty good entries, but then becomes really critical of the others to make sure it really counts, y'know? So I'd rather have my number of votes scale proportionally to the number of actual entries so that I can space them a little better.
- Regarding the last one, possibly either separate every 10 or 20 or 50 entries and give us 1 vote in each section, OR give us the bulk amount of votes and freedom of the full list. I would prefer the first option, since it would fix the first QoL change I suggested by limiting the pages and pages of votes to a maximum of like, 3 pages.

If anyone has any additional suggestions, I'd love to see them and maybe add them to my main post!

This suggestion has 18 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Flower_of_the_Sun (#36232)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-05 17:29:31
Point 1: If you hit the back button it'll go back to the page you were on. It'd still be nicer if you didn't have to do that, but you don't have to click through all the pages to get to it.

Point 2: I actually would prefer not to have it this way because since it's a random order, i choose out 10 to vote for on my main, but they won't be in the same place in my side, so I find the last 5 I chose on my side by doing ctrl f and searching the user name. Anonymous entries would mean I'd have to scroll through and search for each picture instead.

Which on that subject I'd love an easier way to "save" the pictures I wanted to vote for so I wouldn't have to search through for them when I switch to my side. Or along the same lines, maybe keep it that it's displayed in a different order for each player but either eliminate that order changing every couple hours or make the time between changes longer. Like maybe it changes every rollover.

So if they implemented a change allowing you to save entries your considering voting for, then I wouldn't mind entries being made anonymous.

Point 3: I do agree on this one, twelve contests at once was a lot. Though I think that was because it was new? But personally I think it could have been better to for instance have the contest for October run in September and end just before October starts 9or however much time the staff needs to set everything up once it ends) Then start the contest for November in October, etc.

Point 5: I think this would be great. I'd love if it would give us maybe one vote for page of entries. I've been going through and trying to pick my favorite 10 (5 for each account) from each contest and it is a long and arduous process. Especially when the order changes in the middle of doing it (I think it changes every 2 hours or so?) and now I don't know if I've seen all the entries on previous pages.

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2022-09-05 17:42:26
Ah, thank you for the tip on point 1. You're a lifesaver

I do appreciate the feedback on my other points as well! Seems we have different voting styles regarding point 2. I like to use my 5 sides votes to vote for 5 other designs instead of re-voting the same ^^

The contest schedule you suggest might be a bit difficult for new players to understand fully, being that they haven't experienced that event yet - so I think they should be introduced during the first week of the month, to give all players an idea/reminder of the event and get them in that sort of spirit. And then a 2 week submission period, and about a week of voting time.

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Flower_of_the_Sun (#36232)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-05 17:46:23
Oh no, I do that too. What I meant was I pick out all 10 on my main (so I can make sure I see all the entries since they're a different order on my side). So then I make note of the usernames for them so I can find the second set of five easier on my side when I switch to there.

I didn't think running them during the actual month of the event would work since the winning entries are displayed during the event. Though I guess if they're annual contests that could work, with the winners from the previous year being displayed.

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