Posted by Inbreeding heritage fix!
Wossuns 27 //
ZERO-DAWN (#328209)

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Posted on
2022-09-03 12:35:43
Hello everyone,

Do you ever want to buy/breed to a lion but are worried that it may not be clean?
Are you sick of having to search through its entire lineage for ages and ages like you work for

Doing that once or twice isn't so bad but having to check heritage every single time you get or want a new lion is a lengthy task,
especially when you could be exploring, killing fodder, chatting to your liofriends or designing your new heir.

Well I propose a way around this
A simple button or perhaps addition to the scrying stone
Example: insert 50sb to check lions heritage.

Then if the lion is clean/dirty it will tell you just like that.

And you can be straight back to feeding your lions.

This isn't just an idea to save time but also for ease of access/understanding,
A lot of players don't understand how to even check if a lion is inbred and the heritage page can be very overwhelming,
Especially if the lion you're checking comes from a very long line.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to see your support and especially your opinions whether for or against this fix,

Again thank you,

This suggestion has 48 supports and 15 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/09/22 @ 12:37:17 by Wossuns 27 // ZERO-DAWN (#328209)

Nefei • G2
Celestial (#163640)

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Posted on
2022-09-03 12:41:37
On one hand, it would be great. On the other hand, it's probably a coding nightmare and takes away part of the challenge to breed clean. I'm not going to vote either way, just putting this out.

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13BO NOMAD MURKY G2 (#245285)

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Posted on
2022-09-03 12:49:03
Great idea, but this would likely take the mods absolute ages to code and implement. They just added the general checking for inbreeding, and that was biggy enough as is (it was on wolvden anyways). So I'm not sure it'd be the best idea, for mods sake. I'd adore the feature though, since I am a clean breeder

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Sheppy- g1 ubaste
overo (#291031)

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Posted on
2022-09-03 12:49:56
I used to play a wolf/dog breeding sim that included an inbred percentage on the stat screen. Maybe something like that too?

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Scar|3x ros Ubaste
daedal 2k+ (#248273)

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Posted on
2022-09-03 12:50:28
It would be nice and it's a good idea!
but what about the lions with the big 4 way back in their heritage, they aren't considered clean but they are technically clean. So I'd end up buying a lion with one of them in it?

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Wossuns 27 //
ZERO-DAWN (#328209)

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Posted on
2022-09-03 12:55:07
I completely agree, the coding is definitely a factor,
I think that wolvden has a system for Imbreeding so even if a similar system were implemented that could work,
Or even just an easier way to look through the heritage without it becoming overwhelming x

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!LEAFY! (#278961)

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Posted on
2022-12-21 23:23:40
This sounds pretty good, honestly! Tho maybe the price could be a bit higher? The coding will take forever, maybe it should be 100 or 150? I’m not very sure tho.

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