Posted by ❣️Onward Journey's Adoption Cave!❣️

.Cyanide. (#70126)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2022-09-07 02:15:50

Hello Darlings And Welcome To Onward Journey's!

- About -

Hiya!! My name is Cyanide. I’m a fairly novice player who’s just interested in helping out folks both old and new if I can. In the beginning I reallyyy struggled to get a hold on this game. It wasn’t until just recently that I seemed to begin to understand. Now that I’ve found myself in a decent position within the game I’ve decided to try helping out other players on whatever journey’s they’re currently on. I hope you find what you’re looking for! Just below you’ll find the information and rules I’ve put in place for the adoption cave I will be maintaining. All the lions you find within the cave are in need of a loving home! Will they find safety within the loving embrace of your pride?

- Rules For Adoption -

1) As this is my way of attempting to help other people please do not abuse the privilege of adopting these lions.

2) What happens to these lions after they leave my care is entirely up to you as I have no control over that. However, please for the sake of players who are genuinely looking for lions to adopt, don't come through adopting lions simply to turn around and profit from them. If I find that you are continuously adopting lions from my den or adopting large numbers of them only to turn around and sell them I will block you from this den/territory. Don't be the person that ruins it for everyone else.

3) Please be respectful. I am nowhere near an advanced player nor do I claim that my lions are all that superior, if there is nothing you want to adopt do not pester me or complain in DMs. Simply move on.

4) Please respect that I am ONLINE as much as I can be. I work two jobs with other daily life things going on just like everyone else. If I do not answer, DO NOT spam continuously. I will be reserving/adopting out lions as the messages come, essentially first come first serve, there is no need to message multiple times if you're already the first person to have asked to adopt/reserve a lion!

5) Pay Attention to the footnotes! Occasionally, I will add info regarding certain lions that have special or different/uncommon traits. For example, if a lion comes with a different pose than default.

6) I HIGHLY recommend checking out the lions you want to adopt in Lion Wardrobe with their marking at 100% opacity, after all looks can be deceiving c; Make sure you know what you're getting!

- Display Names & Meanings -

L (Any Number) = Adult Lion/Lioness (Ex. L5)
A (Any Number) = Adolescent Lion (Ex. A3)
C (Any Number) = Cubs (Ex. C7)
T (Any Number) = Any lions up for trade in Trading Center **These ones are not up for free adoption**
Example of how to DM me a request to adopt or reserve a lion:
"Hello, I'd like to adopt/reserve C2 please!"
**You DO NOT need to DM me for lions that are listed as trades, they are up for grabs in the Trading Center**

- Legend -

Broodmother:👑(Cave Protector, Do Not Ask To Adopt)
Available: 💕
Unavailable: ❌ (Mostly for the females that are here because they are nursing cubs that are up for adoption, Do Not Ask To Adopt)
Reserved: 🦁
For Trade/Sell: 💸

Thank You Darlings! Your time and support is appreciated! ❤️

- Link To Adoption Cave -

Onward Journey's Adoption Cave

- Link To Other Adoption Caves -

My Alt Accounts Adoption Cave: Shared Journey's Adoption Cave

- Added Note -

Do not request adopts/reservations for lions on this thread. I will not be checking here for such things. If you have specific questions or want to adopt, then follow the rules and DM me 😊 Thanks loves!

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Edited on 15/09/22 @ 21:45:00 by .Cyanide. (#70126)

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