Posted by Western Horse Halter -> Horse Bosal Bridle

Verridith [g1
stellar/panda] (#407)

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Posted on
2022-09-07 04:59:37

This is a tiny nitpick. A very tiny nitpick LOL but from a horse person, I cannot stay silent! I was looking through the event decors, and found these:
westernhalterdark.png westernhalterlight.png
Western Horse Halter (Light or Dark)

The icons look right! They look like western bridles from those particular image. Not halters, but hey, the Western term is pretty correct. Looks like they have a very simple shank and that's pretty cool.

But when I glanced at them in the wardrobe-

It's great art! but that'. isn't a halter, western or otherwise.

This is what we horse folk call a bosal bridle, utilized as a bitless bridle that puts pressure on the nose of a horse instead of pulling on their mouth. While bosals can be used as halters, it isn't recommended, because if they pull back and you're pulling down (because you're on the ground and not on their back) it can damage a horse's face.

I suggest changing the name from Western Horse Halter to Horse Bosal Bridle to more accurately represent what is in the art and clear up any confusion about the tack!

(also I could scream about the inaccuracy of the tuareg bits but hi I won't because we'd be here all day LD please hire some horse people if you're gonna do horse stuff here thanks)

This suggestion has 15 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2022-09-07 05:18:06
No support, sorry. It really is... being a tad too nitpicky. You say yourself, it can be used as a halter, and horse health care recommendations dont really apply since we put them on our LIONS, not horses if that was a horse game then it'd make sense, but I see no reason re-naming an item to fit horse health care details when its not even being put on a horse.

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Edited on 07/09/22 @ 05:20:13 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

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