Posted by 🌸[OPEN] Adol Hunting/Patrolling Suggestion🌸

Yui [G2 Daedal Dawn
2k] (#322444)

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Posted on
2022-09-07 05:38:42
Would be nice to be able to see the training % of each adol when in the hunting screen or patrolling screen. Also the age of the adol. Makes it more convenient, not needing to manually note it down in footnote/name. As some adol might be aging into adults sooner then the other or forgetting which adol we were training/had the most %.

Idk just a casual thinking as a new player's pov, I know programming is tough and I hate it lol pls dont bash me

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Edited on 03/10/22 @ 23:05:34 by Tennyui (#322444)

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