Posted by Muties for JB/ET

ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-09-09 08:00:40
hello! im selling muties for JB or ET (jewel beetles or eldritch tokens!) to be able to mass buy applicators/items!

the conversion cost i use for JB is 1 = 10 JB
i currently do not have a conversion cost for eldritch tokens, as buying stuff for them costs moderately less!

currently, the items that i am wanting are as follows!

gmo cows
ochre gnawrocks
ochre saltlicks
eye applicator; eldritch
seer divination
augur prophecy
eldritch ritual
harbinger mane
trained haruspex
black stallion (they will cost roughly the same as they always do! 1 )

here are the muties i have to offer! im willing to double up in order to buy specific/multiple items! (pretty with her markings at 100% and all hidden markings revealed! can show!)

will update the list with more as i get more!

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