Posted by 🦖 Agate's Design Sales 🦖

Rhaegal (#342614)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-12 12:30:24


This is my first post so it might look a bit rough - I'll improve on this as i learn more about html coding.
(I'm used to FlightRising's BBCode)

I'm not too sure of the gb-irl currency conversion, but I've taken a guess!

I'll be editing this thread as I get more characters to sell!

My currency is Great British Pounds, if you need to convert it and I've not done the gb price right (help appreciated)!


I'm selling this dino guy called Prayon for 5GB/5000SB (First Time Sale!)
@ me if you'd like to buy him, it's first come first serve.

I'd prefer if you had a Toyhouse account so that I could transfer him to you.

Payment method, 2 options, up to you:

1) Just @ me in the reply, and send the 5 gb, provide your TH account name in your pm/trd and I'll send him to you asap.
2) Send 2GB with your TH username, I'll send him, then you send the other 3GB.


Same 2 as before, but instead of transferring him, I'll send you the unwatermarked version.

Once bought, you are free to do what you want with the design, change it, use it for stories or rp etc.

This is his link:


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Edited on 22/09/22 @ 04:40:30 by Rhaegal (#342614)

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